Friday, May 4, 2012

Yeshiva teacher arrested for pornography

Upon his arrival in New York, he began working for Bnei Akiva of New York as a Regional Director, and quickly moved his way up the ranks at Bnei Akiva to director of the In-School Programming division. He is the Director of Youth Programming at The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and he spends his summers working for Bnei Akiva of North America, most recently directing a post-tenth grade summer program in Israel. Evan is also founding and current Director of the Yeshivat HaKotel Alumni Association of America.

According to the complaint, Zauder possessed child pornography that had been downloaded from the Internet and saved onto his computer. During a search of Zauder’s residence conducted on Monday, May 1, 2012, a computer containing hundreds of images and videos of minor children engaging in sexually explicit conduct was seized.


  1. Perhaps he was reared by Moti Elon when he studied at Yeshivat HaKotel.

  2. I don't recall ever seeing any Charedei's picture splashed across this site. Just saying...

    1. Sammy while you are "just saying" - you are clearly accusing me of bias against non-chareidim.

      I did post the picture of the bachur from Chofetz Chaim.
      I just started using pictures regularly with posts.

      Please remove the chip from your shoulder.

    2. @ Sammy,

      DT has for several years that I have followed the blog, relentlessly fought with all his might, the various forms of sexual abuse that sadly goes on. He has named and shamed. The majority of the stories are in his own Haredi world, and this has been at some personal cost and risk to himself, since the exposes have not been taken so well in some circles.
      There have also been some high profile cases in Modern/Tzioni camps, and these have also been publicized, and rightly so. There should be ideological "profit" from being in once camp or the other, it is an ugly business, and it has to be uprooted.

      The photos have only recently come on the site, perhaps a couple of months. remember, Tropper was the most anti-modernish type there is.


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