Thursday, May 17, 2012

Yeshiva is an artificial institution - Rav Hutner

This is part of Rav Hutner's talk on why the yeshiva system was instituted. It is the last chapter in the Pachad Yitzhok for Shavuos. I hope to eventually translate it as it is an important chidush.  Basic idea is that the yeshiva system is comparable to the use of incubators. It works but is a not ideal - the true Torah system is for the father to teach his son. Click here for Translation
Chinuch Rav Hutner Pachad Yitzchok Shavuous


  1. Why do you think this is such a chiddush?
    Joel Rich

  2. Rav Hutner explains that it is common error that the emergence of the yeshiva system represents a major advance - rather than a reaction to the failure of plan A. A consequence of that error is that parents typicaly defer to the yeshiva in what is best for their child and often don't feel they have any obligation - since the yeshiva is in charge - a position often emphasized by the yeshiva itself.

    So it might not be a chidush for you - but it is for many if not most others.

  3. OK-TY. It reminds me of the writing down of the oral law, which seems to have become a bdieved lchatchila. I couldn't agree more with your consequence, but have felt like a voice in the wilderness when expressing that opinion (reminds me the story of a gadol who puportedly said , "I don't need to look it up in the mishenh brurah, I have a father")
    Joel Rich

  4. Looking forward to you posting the full translation. Hoopefully you can manage this earlier rather than later - it is very important to all parents and would be nice if you could find similar opinions.

  5. This is written in Yiddish. Didn't Rav Hutner zt'l write the Sefer in Loshon Kodesh??

  6. Has this been published in Hebrew?


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