Tuesday, February 7, 2012

School Linked to Abuse Claims Will Replace Entire Faculty

The entire faculty at Miramonte Elementary School, where two teachers were arrested last week on accusations of child sexual abuse, will be replaced by new teachers this week, the Los Angeles Unified School District superintendent announced Monday night. 

Speaking to hundreds of parents at a meeting called to address the crisis at Miramonte, Superintendent John Deasy announced the school would be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, and when students returned on Thursday, an entirely new corps of teachers and staff members would have been hired to greet them. All current teachers, administrators and staff members will be moved to a school still under construction for the rest of the school year, where they will be interviewed by school officials and, if necessary, the police.  [...]

Mr. Deasy said he felt a personal responsibility to do two things: help children who were victims, and restore parents’ trust in the school district.


  1. The Jews can learn from this....

  2. YTT back office operationsFebruary 7, 2012 at 2:58 PM

    Yet at Torah Temimah (a misnomer if ever there was one) the very criminals who covered up for Kolko are in charge of "investigating" and putting on a charade of working with Ohel to protect children.

    And as Rabbi Mendlowitz often says: "Moetzes resign!" This gets a lot of people angry but they sat on the Kolko case for a long time. There are also gedolim who do not hold of the Moetzes in it's current incarnation for other reasons and have made a habit of publicly putting them down. Currently the biggest gedolim in the world do not sit on the Moetzes and do not hold of covering up for molesters either.

  3. This is why some Orthodox hide in their ghettos. Any glimpse of the outside world would shatter their illusion of moral superiority.

  4. "This is why some Orthodox hide in their ghettos. Any glimpse of the outside world would shatter their illusion of moral superiority."

    Oh, come on! You think the porno movies, gang rape and crime rate of the outside world has NOTHING to do with it? I live among plenty of Charedim who don't molest anybody and still don't want anything to do with the outside world

  5. It's not the porn and crime they're hiding from. There's enough photo and video evidence of that. It's the attitude that we are all morally superior and "they" are all morally inferior that they have to protect. When gentiles can show proper behaviour in a situation where religious Jews have repeatedly shown an inability to do so it's time to put up walls and shut reality out.

  6. anonymous comments are not published

  7. "It's not the porn and crime they're hiding from. There's enough photo and video evidence of that."

    Such as?
    I'm looking for evidence that this fear you're expounding is the sole (or at least, major) reason for the 'ghetto walls', and not simply the lurid influences of the street.

    Honestly, do you think charedim aren't aware that there are honest non-charedim and crooked charedim?

  8. Why is this an example that Jews should follow? By suspending and moving teachers who are guilty of nothing whatsoever, is this not tarnishing them with an iniquitous brush that they do not deserve?


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