Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald: Children at Risk /Aguda Convention


  1. I could barely listen to this. Why does he have to give this speech, to tell parents, families, the community, that they shouldn't throw their 'challenged' children away? The fact that he has to give this speech, tell you why those children are as OTD as far as they are.

  2. J.A.M. said...

    I could barely listen to this. Why does he have to give this speech, to tell parents, families, the community, that they shouldn't throw their 'challenged' children away? The fact that he has to give this speech, tell you why those children are as OTD as far as they are.
    your intolerance and contempt for the parents, families and community is comparable to their rejection of a child who can corrupt others.

    The bottom line it is not as simple as Rabbi Greenwald seems to be saying. In fact there are times when a kid has to be sacrificed to protect others. His point is that often the child can be redeemed and therefore don't be too hasty to hit the eject button.

  3. Yiyasher kochacha, Rabbi Greenwald.
    A personal highlight for me was having lunch with Rabbi Greenwald in Monsey two years ago. We need more like him.

  4. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 24, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    There is more from Rabbi Ronny Greenwald on how psychotherapy is needed to help the problems in frum community in the latest English Mishpacha magazine.

    Do not underestimate Rabbi Greenwald in ANY way! He is a brilliant man who knows the needs of the frum AND general Jewish world. He has negotiated with the KGB and world leaders for a very long time! He has connections everywhere. He was instrumental in convincing the vaunted JBFCS (Jewish Board of Family and Childrens Services) to open an office in Boro Park, Brooklyn (the heart of "frum-land" in NYC) over thirty years ago to provide affordable mental health care and services to the frum community there, and the JBFCS then opened a few more offices like that for "regular" therapy as well as for troubled teens. The JBFCS gets funding from the UJA Federation of New York that Greenwald negotiated. He was on the rabbinic advisory board of the Boro Park JBFCS and was it leader behind the scenes. He also had a brother that's a noted psychologist.

    In addition, Rabbi Greenwald got Federation money to open Camp Sternberg and Camp Mogen Avrohom about half a century ago and he has shaped them to be homes and means to help boys and girls from all backgrounds to live healthy Jewish lives during the summer, although over the years he has swung those camps more and more to the right.

    He also had a school for off the derech girls in Monsey, NY where he lives.

    He knows this subject well, and perhaps he is only now speaking up because it is safe for him to do so and he won't get shot down because finally people are realizing the extent of the problems and are at a loss to fix them, and he is in a position to offer proven expertise. His voice needs to be listened to VERY carefully!

    1. "He knows this subject well, and perhaps he is only now speaking up because it is safe for him to do so and he won't get shot down..."
      The Rabbi Greenwald I know is never afraid to speak his mind, whether public opinion is favorable or no. Do not cast aspersions either on the community atmosphere or this incredible man's courage.


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