Saturday, February 4, 2012

Problem of readers making comments unrelated to the post

The issue of people making comments on new issues unrelated to the post has been brought up recently. It is generally perceived as an irritant and distraction.

I will try to keep the thread to topic from now on. For those who feel that there is an important issue that you want to bring up - please send it to me for evaluation [] as a guest post or something that I should make a post about.

In addition I just want to repeat that I don't allow anonymous comments. Sometimes I will add a name but usually I just erase them


  1. Oh come on, because of a couple of stiff kvetchy complainers? Obviously if the rav allowed the comments through at all they are not objectionable per se.

    And I posted a comment about a questionable gerus program under the Shavei post. Is that not on topic just because it's not exactly the same program as Shavei?

    There is also the issue of too many rules driving readers to more relaxed blogs where there is freedom to post. Not everyone necessarily wants to email.

    I think I am not only speaking for myself in asking for a reconsideration of the policy.

    Gut voch

  2. "Oh come on, because of a couple of stiff kvetchy complainers? Obviously if the rav allowed the comments through at all they are not objectionable per se."

    Chilled- no one is complaining about comments like yours that are at least somewhat related to the post. The problem begins when readers like "shmad" feel the need to interject their wacko kanaus and thereby save the world right here in the comments section of R Eidensohns blog. If you're looking for a relaxed blog to host all your sundry views, opinions and comments, start your own.

  3. Also R Eidehnsohn, may I suggest that you also place a rough word number limit so as to prevent abuse by "Megila" types who seek to incorporate whole websites in the comments section of this one?

    And one final piece of advice, this one directed at my fellow readers: Please try to do a quick spell check on your post before you send it to the blog. One or two mistakes are fine, but some of the comments' spelling here is so 'atroshis', that I wonder if you're typing on a Hebrew keyboard.

  4. I suppose I might have been guilty in getting a little off-topic here and there. But I have been disturbed by posts that post on *completely unrelated* topics, seemingly as an attempt to break some new gossip about happenings in the frum community or comment on existing gossip. I don't think these should be allowed. Let them email you, as you suggest, if they want you to post on some new topic.

  5. Personal blogger conciergeFebruary 5, 2012 at 5:18 PM

    Shaul has some pretty tall orders considering
    He's not the site owner. What else do you want? No mistakes in punctuation? No upper case? Maybe you would also like breakfast in bed & the mornings Wall Street Journal to further enhance your reading experience.

    Rabbi Eidensohn agreed with the contents of those posts. Why don't YOU start your own blog if it makes you so unsettled?

  6. I wrote the original "Shmad" post which apparently Shaul is still complaining about.

    What is the problem exactly? You lashed out over there something along the lines of an equivalence with Rav Schach vs Lubavitch. It seems you think I am Lubavitch since they put Boteach in cherem. I am not Lubavitch. Others have come out against Boteach's J book but I cited Rav Schochet because he is one of the biggest authorities on shmad. Yes his father became Lubavitch after leaving Telz d'Lita but they are old school Lubavitch who hate Meshichistkeit and he was rov for 40 years of a Poilishe kehilla that goes back in the heim to the adam gadol R' Nochum Yerushalemski.

    I thought the mechaber would appreciate the inyan since it affects the Klal just like improper gerus does. I never imagined it would provoke so much irritation which in my opinion is unjustified.

  7. I agree with yeshaya - the totally extraneous "breaking news"-style comments were starting to annoy me as well. R' E., thanks for addressing this issue.

  8. "Shaul has some pretty tall orders considering
    He's not the site owner. What else do you want? No mistakes in punctuation? No upper case? Maybe you would also like breakfast in bed & the mornings Wall Street Journal to further enhance your reading experience."

    "Tall orders"?? "Wall street journal"??! Did you even read my comments? (I wasn't the first one to complain about extraneous topics here, by the way.)

    "Rabbi Eidensohn agreed with the contents of those posts. Why don't YOU start your own blog if it makes you so unsettled?"

    Correct. And he also agreed to post my insulting comments. What's your point, exactly?

    Are you Megila by any chance? Or a fellow Frumteeniac?

  9. "I wrote the original "Shmad" post which apparently Shaul is still complaining about."

    I wasn't 'still complaining' about it. I was using it as an example of (what I think) R Eidehensohn was referring to in this post.

    "What is the problem exactly?"

    I have a problem when people decide to post someones' self described 'authoratative opinion'.

    "Yes his father became Lubavitch after leaving Telz d'Lita but they are old school Lubavitch who hate Meshichistkeit"

    R Shochet actually considers Meshichisten legitimate. His psak was posted on a semi-meshichist website. And for all his 'expertise', he offered precious few pearls of wisdom on what's so problematic about the book.

    "I thought the mechaber would appreciate the inyan since it affects the Klal just like improper gerus does."

    Is that why you posted a hysterical comment under the name "shmad"?


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.