Sunday, January 22, 2012

Prominent Zionist rabbi Moti Elon denies sexual assault charges

Prominent Rabbi Mordechai ‘Moti’ Elon denied on Sunday the charges against him that he sexually abused two male students.

Elon, until recently considered one of the spiritual leaders of religious Zionism, is the former head of Yeshivat HaKotel in Jerusalem, went on trial at Jerusalem Magistrate's Court in December last year on charges of forcible sexual assault against the two students, who had sought his emotional support.

1 comment:

  1. I actually met both Tropper and Elon, when meeting Tropper I had the feeling that the guy is a creep, I did not have a similar feeling when I met Elon.

    I could never understood how all these 'gedolim' never got the feeling that Tropper is up to no good.


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