Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sikrikim & Gur unite to fight police who are now making arrests in Mea Shearim

Protests, mostly by members of the Gerrer Hasidic sect and members and supporters of the hard-line Sikrikim group, have been going on for weeks, with residents burning tires and garbage bins, and throwing rocks and other objects at police. But over the past few days police responded in force – much to the surprise of many protesters, witnesses said.

Among the tactics used by police was the deployment of undercover police dressed in hareidi garb who circulated among the protesters. When some protesters began throwing rocks at police, these “hareidim” quickly arrested them. Police have been using this tactic for several nights, and have managed to arrest dozens of protesters in this manner – a wave of arrests that has not taken place for many years, neighborhood veterans say.


  1. Can we all get along?

    I thought my chèvra are the only ones stupid enough to destroy the very geggin where they live

  2. We have to take a stand. If we don't protect Sikrikim they might come next for einer fin inz like the pedophile Mondrowitz

  3. Recipients and PublicityDecember 1, 2011 at 10:13 PM

    This is a reminder about the truth about that old adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"!

    They have sown the wind now they must reap the whirlwind with only themselves to blame.

    Thinking about this, by what "right" are the Gerrer guys (who mostly arrived after World War Two in the 1940s) waking up and deciding to "evict" the old-time Meah Shearimniks who have been there for the last two centuries at least? One guy in a video posted below uses this "logic" that "because there were Ger Chasidim in Warsaw they somehow have 'right' to 'claim' the housing that's named for Warsaw [batei Varsha]" as if the original donor had them in mind as much as anyone else even though the ones living in Batei Varsha have been the same Meha Shearim tenants for about two centuries.

    There is also the possibility that the Gerrer feel that the present Meah Shearim inhabitants are "fair game" for "eviction" since many are actually misnagdim descended from the original Old Yishuv founded by the Talmidei HAGRA.

    Who knows how the minds of these people works.

    Then there is also the important comment that someone made on this blog that it's all about the money and the rights to live in these quarters since the "title rights" are vague and verges on a "public domain" of sorts. Also an unknown.

    when one looks at all the videos and photos of the squalid cramped housing that's in dispute one wonders why the whole area is not taken over by reliable developers and demolished and replaced by modern multi-level housing that would accommodate everyone.

    Imagine if everyone cooperated in such a housing building project that would solve everything just as new and multi-family and multi-level housing is built all over Eretz Yisroel by the plentiful and excellent contractors that abound all over booming Israel today? But then these people would then have nothing to fight over and then what fun would that be?

  4. The zionist police are the common enemy, and so they are uniting the frum factions.

  5. To:Recipients and Publicity

    I have no idea how things are being run there, but I believe that the original stipulation was that the tenants be descendant from Poland and remain there no more than five years.

    In any event, the obvious solution is that in return for moving out, the present tenants get a free apt in the new complex.

  6. RaP:

    Thinking about this, by what "right" are the Gerrer guys (who mostly arrived after World War Two in the 1940s) waking up and deciding to "evict" the old-time Meah Shearimniks who have been there for the last two centuries at least? One guy in a video posted below uses this "logic" that "because there were Ger Chasidim in Warsaw they somehow have 'right' to 'claim' the housing that's named for Warsaw [batei Varsha]" as if the original donor had them in mind as much as anyone else even though the ones living in Batei Varsha have been the same Meha Shearim tenants for about two centuries.

    What "video"? posted below where?

    There is also the possibility that the Gerrer feel that the present Meah Shearim inhabitants are "fair game" for "eviction" since many are actually misnagdim descended from the original Old Yishuv founded by the Talmidei HAGRA.

    I'm fairly sure that if you look at the current residents ancestors (both husband and wife), you will find somewhere along the line some ancestor that came from "Poland" (whether based on the current Polish borders or historical Polish borders.)

    Then there is also the important comment that someone made on this blog that it's all about the money and the rights to live in these quarters since the "title rights" are vague and verges on a "public domain" of sorts. Also an unknown.

    Which blog? Which comment?

    Who owns the title?

    And what less right do the current tenants have that the ones who want to throw them out have?

    And what more right to the Gerrers have to evict the current residents, than anyone else who can find lineage to Poland? Why do the Gerrers come before all the other Polish?


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