Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Six Day War - Miraculous or Natural? Video History

There is no question that highly intelligent planning was done by the Israelis- in terms of strategy, psychology, troop training,intelligence and weapons. But the fact that this extremely complex operation was so successful in spite of the high risk of failure - obviously places it in the realm of the miraculous. In other words it would have been totally natural for Israel to have failed. It was not inevitable that they would win. In fact a friend of mine who was there and fought in the war said the atmosphere was extremely pessimistic and the Israelis were expecting huge casualties and that their highest expectation was to avoid defeat.

Igros Moshe(Y.D. 4:8.2): Concerning the matter of the Jews who were hijacked in Uganda and then were saved by [Israeli] soldiers who went to Uganda. It is reasonable that this should be considered an open miracle. That is because in the normal course of events it would not be possible that such a thing be successful. Whatever is done in the world is only by the hand of G‑d – whether it is for the good or whether it is – G‑d forbid - ! the opposite. He causes the blow and the cure. He caused that these Jews be captured. But He also caused that they were rescued by means of giving these soldiers special courage and motivation so that they were able to save the captives. He also arranged circumstances so the soldiers in fact were successful. Nevertheless the reasons that G‑d did a miracle through sinners are hidden from us. Furthermore it is prohibited for any man to be “wise” and raise question against G‑d’s actions. Rather it is necessary for us to be innocent and accepting whatever G‑d does as it explicity says in the Torah (Devarim 18:13)


  1. All military personnel who fought in the 6day war experienced untold miracles and wonders. The largest movement of 'Baalei Tshuva' began after the war (due to the abundant of miracles), according to Reb Noah zt"l of AISH HATORAH.

    My dilemma is: Why the OBSESSION in what the Satmar Rebbe said, thought of wrote? If someone can not see, observe, or experience a wonder &/or miracle...that is his/her lose.

  2. "But the fact that this extremely complex operation was so successful in spite of the high risk of failure - obviously places it in the realm of the miraculous."

    In your opinion, anyways. Of course you have a right to have that opinion.

  3. Why the OBSESSION in what the Satmar Rebbe said, thought of wrote?

    Because the truth hurts. If it were so far from reality people would just shrug their sholdier and move on rather than comment so intensely on it.

  4. The Satmar Rebbe was obsessed because in his worldview Israel was a sinful aberration that offended God and deserved to be wiped off the map. When the exact opposite happened in 1967 it was like telling someone in pre-1492 Europe the world was a sphere. He just couldn't handle it.

    My father, on the other hand, makes a simple observation: when you read about all the stuff we had to go through to build up, establish and maintain the State and how badly we went about all that and are running things now, it's clear that it's only through God's direct interest in the matter that the State survives and thrives until this day.

  5. Englishman said..

    But the fact that this extremely complex operation was so successful in spite of the high risk of failure - obviously places it in the realm of the miraculous."

    In your opinion, anyways. Of course you have a right to have that opinion.
    Actually it is based on Rav Moshe Feinstein's teshuva about Entebbe

  6. The Satmar Rebbe invented a new religion based on a piece of Agaddata and a Medrash.

    Did the Rif, Rambam, Mechaber, did anyone ever draw halocho from these pieces of aggadata? Not one single person. On the contrary, the Ramban insists that it's a mitsva for every person in every dor to settle Eretz Yisroel.

    All the gimmicky vertlach that the Satmarer brings to bolster his untenable thesis are posul lemafreya by the observation of the Ohr Someach that, at the San Remo conference, the yidden were INVITED by the umos haolam to press their claim for a state, so to suggest that the yidden were rebelling against the nations of the world is nonsensical.

  7. like the great solviet union fell instantly without casualtys or guns ,so midinas yisroel without any צער ונזק to any jew to fulfill rashi in sanhedrian צח:א...

  8. "Because the truth hurts"

    Steve- The fact that Religious Zionists get upset over the views of the SR Zatzal, does not remotely prove that it is the truth.

    Is the strident anti zionist tone found in Vayoel Moshe and Al Hageula Ve-al Hatemura a reflection of the fact that the Religious Zionist truth hurts? How bout the condemnation of R Norman Lamms views?

  9. Perhaps "tziki kedera " doesn't realize that he has a corrupted manuscript of Rashi, and the Satmar Rav based that particular argument of his on a misprint/scribal error! (It also happens to be a flimsly argument, even if it WAS based on the Talmud's actual words, which in this case it isn't.)

  10. student , perhaps you can tell us where this girsa is. the bach or noone else seems to change.

  11. student...i just checked the dikduki sofrim and there is no mention of what you say. (DS has all נסחות ,rome etc. ...)


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