Friday, November 4, 2011

Judge whips his daughter/ abused wife participates

Time Magazine


  1. This is not just any judge. It is a Family Court judge who punished other parents for child abuse, etc.

  2. The Torah holds from physical punishment. Too many of the wild and destructive youth of today are evil due to lack of the proper discipline.

    She may have been too old for the spanking but he did nothing wrong.

  3. tzoorba this is not the Torah's view of physical punishment and would not condone this behavior. This is a parent who was out of control and beat a child out of anger. He was not primarily concerned with educating her but expressing his rage. The halacha also says not to beat teenage children. So what is your point?

  4. What is wrong with this form of physical punishment? It hurts for a short time and leaves no physical damage. What would you consider appropriate physical punishment?

    The level of anger was wrong but some level or anger is often appropriate.

    As far as the teenage point, I said that she was probably too old.

  5. at is wrong with this form of physical punishment? It hurts for a short time and leaves no physical damage. What would you consider appropriate physical punishment?
    would you appreciate being educated in this manner? Do you treat your children this way? Would you communicate with your spouse or neighbors in this manner?

  6. What do you do with chosech shivto sonei bino?

    What do you do when one of your young children runs recklessly into the street and is in danger of being hit by a car, chas veshalom?

  7. tzoorba said...

    What do you do with chosech shivto sonei bino?

    What do you do when one of your young children runs recklessly into the street and is in danger of being hit by a car, chas veshalom?
    Those are good examples of when some form of hitting is appropriate. That is not the same as whipping someone for 7 minutes.

    I agree that the Torah does advocate corporal punishment. But it is supposed to be educational not a way of expressing anger.


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