Sunday, November 27, 2011

For Some, Psychiatric Trouble May Start in Thyroid

In patients with depression, anxiety and other psychiatric problems, doctors often find abnormal blood levels of thyroid hormone. Treating the problem, they have found, can lead to improvements in mood, memory and cognition. 

Now researchers are exploring a somewhat controversial link between minor, or subclinical, thyroid problems and some patients’ psychiatric difficulties. After reviewing the literature on subclinical hypothyroidism and mood, Dr. Russell Joffe, a psychiatrist at the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, and colleagues recently concluded that treating the condition, which affects about 2 percent of Americans, could alleviate some patients’ psychiatric symptoms and might even prevent future cognitive decline.


  1. not only thyroid, but also adrenal fatigue/failure. And there are hereditary factors common in the Jewish community which affect the immune response and make both thyroid and adrenal problems more prevalent.

    Thank you for posting this.

  2. Even though hypothyroidism is quiet scary. I always trust natural thyroid supplements . Natural thyroid decreases hypothyroidism symptoms without too much effort. It’s the good way to prevent thyroid disease.


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