Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bishop charged with violating mandatory reporting laws

The news that an American bishop had been charged with failing to report child abuse should have been collosal news in the Vatican. But the response has been as if the case is far away and far removed from the Holy See — and the Papacy that is so quick to come down on questions of celibacy, women priests and the rights of gay Catholics appears to regard the American scandal, involving a priest and what seems to be child pornography, as a matter for local jurisprudence.[....]

The news that an American bishop had been charged with failing to report child abuse should have been collosal news in the Vatican. But the response has been as if the case is far away and far removed from the Holy See — and the Papacy that is so quick to come down on questions of celibacy, women priests and the rights of gay Catholics appears to regard the American scandal, involving a priest and what seems to be child pornography, as a matter for local jurisprudence.[...]

1 comment:

  1. This is a historical moment, of importance to Jewish victims and their families.

    A religious leader has now been arrested and indicted on charges of failure to report a suspected pedophile.

    Will it require such a chilul H in our Jewish World, in order to get the point across to rabbonim and parents who cover up for the perverts?

    I hope not.

    But when you know, as I do, how many children are being hushed because the parents and rabbonim don't go to the police, it certainly seems like something this big needs to happen to clarify their priorities. If you won't put the children's well being first, perhaps to save your own backside, you will make the right choice... to report.


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