Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Orthodoxy & homosexuality: Helping gay men marry lesbian women

Time Magazine


  1. not connected to this topic at all


  2. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/snatch_baby_home_at_last_no7yJzTwAH7bxjOi7C1zbM

    A black market baby ring led by Rabbi Seymour Fenichel, YU class of 1946.

  3. Where in the spectrum is this rabbi and the rabbis who back him?

    Offhand I don't like this idea. The kids will grow up with krumma hashkofos and will be a pitfall for others when they reach shidduchim age. I don't understand what the point is if the faygelach are going to fool around on the side anyway. If anything this makes it worse as a sort of cover up.

  4. "The kids will grow up with krumma hashkofos and will be a pitfall for others when they reach shidduchim age."

    Like, 'I have a yetzer hara but I'm trying to control it and keep the mitzvos'?

    "I don't understand what the point is if the [nivul peh] are going to fool around on the side anyway"

    Have you stopped to consider that the people making such a decision are trying to avoid doing so and you attitude could be mechazeik them to give in to their yetzer hara? They are specifically finding shidduchim who can empathize with their situation and are at least somewhat emotionally prepared for the challenges they share. And if they fail to live a life of complete taharah, perhaps their will be more taharah in their life.

    Without a doubt such matches will have a lot of challenges, and perhaps we may think twice about cheer leading such situations, but do we really need to join the secular choir singing condemnation and failure at their attempts to live a more normal life?

  5. Isn't this terrible?

    I thought that the idea of "straightening out" gays was a thing of the past. I think the best solution for gays is to live as gays. Why should they participate in such a charade? Fortunately, living a homosexual relationship is not illegal in Israel.

  6. Nobody can force anyone to "live as gays" (how do you exactly define living as a gay, Leo? There's only one archetype? Is it a Sanfrancisco effeminate liberace type and everything else is banned? How do you dictate the requirements to those who 'should live as gays?')

    If this is how they want to live and try their best to keep the mitzvot, then all the power to them. No one can make them "act gay" or whatever stupid childish requirements leftwing liberals have for people with homosexual tendencies/attraction.


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