Friday, August 5, 2011

Kletsky Killing Renews Calls For Oversight of Yeshivas

A number of child-safety proposals have been floated in the wake of the murder of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in Brooklyn’s Boro Park neighborhood.

One proposal might stand out to New York State residents as a commonsense initiative: mandatory background checks and fingerprinting for private school employees.

The checks would not have prevented the murder of Kletzky. Accused killer Levi Aron, also a Jew from Boro Park, abducted the boy off the street in July as the child walked home from a neighborhood summer camp. But advocates contend that such regulation would codify one lesson of the murder: that Orthodox communities can no longer place blind trust in their own.

“The point that we bring to the table is that we Jews can’t do it ourselves,” said Elliot Pasik, president of the Jewish Board of Advocates for Children. “We can’t self-govern. We can’t police ourselves. We need laws for child safety.”[....]


  1. >But advocates contend that such regulation would codify one lesson of the murder: that Orthodox communities can no longer place blind trust in their own.<

    As if the hundreds to thousands of molestations, r'l, didn't prove that a long time ago!

  2. What utter fools. Using Leiby's blood to further their agendas. The Kletzky case had nothing to do with molestors; Levi Aron never worked in a school (or had any felony criminal record); these joke proposals would not have made any difference in the Kletzky case if they had been in effect beforehand.

  3. Recipients and PublicityAugust 9, 2011 at 11:05 PM

    The Kletksy murder is a symptom that frum society is as rotten as the rest of the world.


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