Monday, July 4, 2011

Can a girl wound her legs to be able to dress modestly?


What should a girl do if she wishes to dress modestly but her parents won't let her? According to Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein she can injure herself in order to use it as an excuse for dressing modestly.
Last week Rabbi Zilberstein, the the son-in-law of prominent Rabbi Yosef Elyashiv, received an inquiry from a women's college coordinator about a student who is growing increasingly religious. The student said she wanted to dress modestly but her parents were preventing her from doing so, because they were not religious. [...]


  1. I would think that using some creativity and communication would provide a better solution than disfiguring the poor girl. This means hard work and hard thinking to find a good solution but this solution is ridiculous. Is she supposed to permenantly maim herself? What if the parents still don't give in? What do you think they will do when they find out that the Rabbi advised their daughter to do this? If this girl was my daughter and I wasn't charedi this rav would need a good lawyer and a bullet-proof vest.

  2. the rabbi is obviously a looney, and wants to show his extremism in a bid to be chosen as the next Haredi leader.

  3. First... Do you know that this if for real?

    Secondly(assuming that it is)... Seriously!?!?!? The Shulhan Arukh says that we should be more careful with our health then Mitzvot. How does beginning a cycle of self-harming conform to that.
    As well how is it that a college student has no say over her clothing choices?

  4. Problems with this story:
    1) not allowed to hurt yourself intentionally
    2) what parent has a problem with their daughter dressing more modestly? Even amongst secular folks are there really parents out there who are thinking "Boy, my girl's not wearing a short enough skirt or a see-through enough top?"

  5. Plenty of parents have a problem when their daughters decide to dress more modestly, especially mothers who feel threatened by their daughters choices and who fear that they will be pressured into changing their own dress.

  6. Does anyone know if this story is actually true? Or is it another
    Jews-stone-reincarnated-dog tale?

  7. As I see it your going to have 3 type of people react to this:

    1. People who think tznius is antiquated and think this proves it.

    2. People who think that halachah is always going to conform to what they think is politically correct or "normal" and will discount any nuances which might allow for taking such an unseemly approach.

    3. People who see a prominent Rav being quoted and will defend his position to the death...or until it's revealed that the story is made up.

  8. she's desparate for a shidduch.

    this story will GUARANTEE her one. immediately.

    (i didnt know / still doubt she is a "college" student.)

  9. I don't believe the story as it was told. Some important information must have been left out.


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