Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rabbi Elyashiv: Protest IDF conversions


Leader of the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox faction Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv has called on the public to take part in a mass protest to be staged following Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's ruling legitimizing Israel Defense Forces conversions. Sources close to Elyashiv confirmed the report.

Shortly after Shas' spiritual leader ruled that army conversions were valid, those opposed to the decision announced they will hold a mass rally against the ruling. It has since been postponed several times. It is currently scheduled for next Wednesday. [...]


  1. It is more about politics than about geirus, Rav Elyashiv and his handlErs do not like the fact the the Sefardi Rabbonim are asserting their independence and dare to posek according to their mesora not according to the Lithuenian Ashkenazi ultra orthodox mesora.

    It already started two years ago when Rav Yosef and rav Amar decided to permit heter shemita against the wishes of rav Elyashiv and his handlers.

    Now when the Sefardim again defy rav Elyashiv and his handlers, they (rav Elyashiv and his handlers) try to put down the fire but it is too late.

    It will be the second break between the Lithuanian charedim and the Sefardim, first was the founding of Shas that crippled the Israeli Aguda forever.

  2. CP,i had a good laugh.Actually,according to these sephardi rabbinim they hold the same thing that KOM is a must.As for heter mechira,the dispute is years old and goes far beyond rav elyasiv and chacham be cont.

  3. Cont.The funniest part of your post was about the second break between litvaks and sephardim.It was the litvaks who crippled agudah!The litvals went all the way out so that the sephardim could assert themselves.Rav shach zt"l made chacham ovidiah the powerful politcal person he is by placing him as head of shas.Which rav shach founded with great mesiras nefesh.And he broke away from agudah for the sake of the sephardim .to be cont.

  4. Rav shach and the litvaks went even further than just helping the sephardim organized.They actually voted for it in 1984 giving it about half their votes!to be cont.

  5. Cont.Rav shach worked very hard to put together shas as well as put deri,the sephardi pride and hero, at it's head.He took on the ashkenzi establishment because he felt sephardim were not given enough politcal power. The glory the sephardim have today is because of the litvals efforts for them.And he planned to build up for them a whole empire of top rate sephardi schools and yeshivos.Sadly shas didn't fulfill that vision.TO BE CONT.

  6. As an aside many of the great builders of torah of the sephardi community were from the litvish yeshivas whose rabbinim put great effort into helping them.Like ofakim and netivot.Mk moshe gafni,rav elyashiv's right hand politcal man,was one of those.And he worked to establish shas in ofakim.

  7. Yes, they are the same handlers who brought Tropper to r' Elyashiv study room to have a photo op with him and made r' Elyashiv give him a bracha.

    Good Job!

    I think r' Elyashiv should replace his handlers.

  8. Yes, they are the same handlers who brought Tropper the menuval to R' Elayashiv to have a photo op with him and made R' Elyashiv give him a bracha.

    Good Job!

    I think R' Elyashiv should replace his handlers!

  9. C, whilst your comments may be correct in the political sphere, in terms of Halachic positions, there have been Sephardic Gedolim independent of the Lithuanian system. Gafni is not a great rabbi, he is just a politician.

    And the Lithuanians of today are not the same as they were a generation ago.

  10. Not sure what r' Shach accomplished by splitting Agudah, creating Degel Hatorah and helping to fund Shas. A generation later UTJ still has 5 MK (2 of Degel) and Shas still has 11 MK. (they had in one point 19 MKs though)

    Rav Elyashiv and the handlers obviously lost their mojo. Rav Elyashiv was not able to install his man as the Jerusalem mayor and Lithuanians were inflicted with sex scandals such as Tropper and Eisenstein.

    At least the Shas scandals involve money not sex

  11. Eddie,thanks for proving the point.Despite the fact that chacham ovidah had taken many positions contrary to the litvak veiwpoint,like permitting heter mechira.Rav shach put him as shas's head and didn't try to push away the sephardim from their rabbis or mesorah.Quite the contrary rav shach invisioned a proud sephardi society with it's own yeshivas etc..,something shas has sadly failed to do.And the litvaks voted for a party they knew didn't hold like their halachic opinions.

  12. I never said mk gafni is a great rabbi.What i did say he was arabbi in ofakim,which is true.As he worked with the yeshiva.And as far as they are diffrent,what do yyou mean.That the are not as zealous publicly as in rav shach's time?As he was a great public leader and fighter.Perhaps you should look at the sephardi community,where alot of sephardim are disillusioned with shas.Like in beitar.Where the degel hatorah(the offical litvak party) deputy mayor is a sephardi.

  13. Cp,you clearly don't know what your talking about.Shas started out with 4 seats!utj with 4.And the only chareidi mayor in jerusalem's history was rav elyashiv's man.The chareidi who lost was far from his man.

  14. The peope who brought us the Tropper sex ring and made him the enforcer of conversions should not have anything to do or to say about conversions.

  15. The Lithuanians simply want exclusivity on Daas Torah and halacha,a nd will use any means to do this.

    Whilst Rav Schach had some morality, eg he refused ot join Peres ' government, the current Litvisher world has sunk very low, and the yeshivot are in big trouble, eg look at Ponovezh, and the lack of any great Yeshiva today.

    next, the dayanim installed by Degel, in the rabbanut, have cancelled all conversions done by Druckman, and whereas this was deemed impossible by previous gedolim, it has become standard policy today.

    The EJF which funded the Haredi Gedolim, and received approbation by the Litvishers, was essentially a prostitution ring - where giur certificates were traded for sexual favours.

    Do yo think Rav Shach, or Rav Feinstein, or the Hazon Ish would simply turn a blind eye, and write more letters of Hizzuk to such an organisation?

    So who is fooling whom?

    The Bet Vaad has turned to znut, and they are seeking a scapegoat, so of course they look to invalidate army conversions...


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