Thursday, January 13, 2011

Privacy, Copyright Top Challenges of the Internet

Time Magazine

Another topic that concerned IADAS members was how outdated media copyright laws were and the increasing necessity to see them changed. It used to be perfectly okay to give a mix tape to a couple friends, but putting a playlist online - which is a similar action in a way - could render negative consequences. Same goes for lending books, which has a modern day equivalent of copying and distributing digital books online. Davies believes that many users aren't trying to circumvent laws: They're simply confused on what is right and wrong because legalities are not adapted to current technology. "I think at the core, one of the big issues is that the majority of the laws and understandings about copyright were created in a world where it was difficult to copy. Actually copying something has never been more easy than it is today. You can literally right click on a file and depending on the size it can be downloaded in seconds," he explained. [...]


  1. It's a chinukh issue too. My kids don't have any qualms about copying material. No matter how much I speak to them, they and their classmates have a culture in which intellectual property and the damage to someone's income is simply laughed off.

  2. Micha: Why do you presume the blame lies with the chinuch the school provides your children (as your comment seems to indicate)? The greater chinuch obligation is on the parent.

  3. I meant "classmates" in the sense of peers. With teenagers, parents' power to shake social norm is not all that strong.

    I do not think schools ought to be charged with teaching middos. And in fact the general lack of successes of any of the dozens of such programs available would seem to reinforce that. All school could provide is the abstract knowledge that it's wrong -- and that's not the challenge here.


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