Sunday, December 5, 2010

Former Yeshiva Principal Sought on incest charges


A former Brooklyn yeshiva principal and three of his sons sexually abused four of the principal’s other children, molesting one of the victims over 15 years, the authorities said Friday.

The police are still looking for the man, Rabbi Gershon Kranczer, 58, and one of his sons, Asher Kranczer, 21, who they believe fled to Israel earlier this week. Another son, Yechezkel Kranczer, 24, turned himself in to the police on Thursday and has been charged with 70 counts of sexual abuse and 2 counts of endangering the welfare of a child.

The third son, a 15-year-old whose name was withheld by the authorities, was brought in for questioning on Wednesday, made statements implicating himself in the abuse and was arrested, said Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman.

The authorities believe the abuse occurred in a three-story house in Midwood, Brooklyn, that Rabbi Kranczer shared with his wife and 12 of his 14 children. Neighbors said the family had lived in the house for more than 20 years. A law enforcement official said the house had a large kitchen and several bunk beds.


  1. The Torah has the most severe punishment for such sick behaviour.

  2. Recipients and PublicityDecember 6, 2010 at 7:39 AM

    There have been reports that this person is an alumnus of the Chaim Berlin yeshiva in Brooklyn, since his brochures had always carried approbations from Rav Aron Shechter of the Chaim Berlin yeshiva and Rav Leizer Ginzberg of the Mir yeshiva in Flatbush, Brooklyn.

    He is well-known in the Brooklyn community because of the services he constantly advertized in Haredi papers such as the Yated for the yeshiva he founded and ran for well over twenty years, "Tehila LeDovid" that reached out to mostly high school boys from Haredi homes to boys who suffered from major learning and behavioral disabilities and could not fit into the "mainstream" yeshivas.

    He is a long-time disciple of the late Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l that had an anti-psychological outlook.

    Just as in the Tropper and Hersh fiascos, Kranzcer has managed to pull the wool over Rav Aron Shechter's eyes and puts in serious doubt Rav Aron's sense of judgment as he has entered his golden years.

    Kranzcer is a well-known if very odd figure in the Chaim Berlin world, and his sons have been students there.

    This is very sordid and sick situation, and it is going to have major repercussions.

    One wonders if the reason the Novominsker Rebbe said a few words against sexual abuse at the recent Agudah convention in the USA was because he knew this was brewing and he had to say something to cover for himself and for Rav Shechter because it has been Rav Shechter (and Rav Leizer Ginzburg) who have given official written haskomas to Kranzcer and his yeshiva all the time, and now this has horrifically blown up in their faces.

  3. RaP: I'm not sure where you got those superstitions from, but your fiction is way off base. It might make for a good sci-fi novel, though.

    Try to use facts rather than assumptions.

  4. RaP: I'm not sure where you got those superstitions from, but your fiction is way off base. It might make for a good sci-fi novel, though.

    Try to use facts rather than assumptions.

  5. Is that the same "Sam" that argued for years on the blogs whenever something was said about Kolko being guilty?

  6. Recipients and PublicityDecember 7, 2010 at 4:00 AM

    "Sam said...RaP: Try to use facts rather than assumptions."

    I only conveyed facts and truths. Can you point to which facts you are disputing please? Thank you.

  7. Yoss: Nope.

    RaP: Start with your off-base assumption that he is a CB alumni, that the rest of your fiction is based on.

  8. Recipients and PublicityDecember 7, 2010 at 7:15 AM

    Sam: Kranzcer is a well-known CB alumnus going back more than three decades. He is well-known to Rav Aron Shechter, the CB rosh yeshiva who is one of his chief rabbinic advisers and sponsors and wrote him glowing haskomas for his Tehila LeDovid yeshiva. Kranzcer learned in CB for many years, even in its Kollel Gur Aryeh. His sons also attended the CB yeshiva, especially Asher who is also wanted and is a fugitive with him. They prayed their regularly on yomim noraim, taking a whole table for themselves. People in CB know them. Many are their friends and are shocked by the revelations.

    Check it out!


  10. Recipients and PublicityDecember 23, 2010 at 7:46 AM


    Indeed Rav Miller z"l was, but you cannot hide from the fact that Rabbi Gershon Kranczer was a well-known long-time chosid (disciple) of Rav Avigdor Miller to the T, and to state that fact is not an "attack"!

    It is 100% true to say that "He [Kranczer] is a long-time disciple of the late Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l that had an anti-psychological outlook."

    The problem now is that because Kranczer is so brainwashed by Millerian-type anti-psychological thinking that he thinks he is being a "hero" by running from the law and from forcible psychiatric evaluation and even being certified as something worse.

    Kranczer often spouted Rav Miller's words to justify his hashkofas (outlook) to influence people and to "prove" his moral "superiority" and it is to Kranczer that you must address yourself and vent your anger for exposing himself and the rebbeim he so openly and vehemently pushed and venerated to such shame and humiliation.

    Something went terribly wrong for many years and from its roots with the whole Kranczer family, it's not simple, and Rav Miller and all the rebbeim that were so much part of Kranczers life and with whom he kept up a near-daily contact, starting from the days of Rav Miller, are part of this catastrophe whether they like it or not.

    On a father's yohrtzeit they look at his sons to see if they are tzadikim (righteous) or reshoyim (wicked). If the sons are tzadikim the fathers are rewarded, and if the sons are reshoim the fathers are punished, and a person's rebbe is even greater than his father!!!

    Kranczer is making it worse for himself and everyone connected with him by his flight and hiding. He must come out like a man, face his problems and deal with the consequences of his actions in order to start the long process of teshuva (repentance), healing and kaporah (atonement), if it can be done, with so much damage done.

  11. Outright slander against a gadol.You really worked on this to come up with such a crooked sevara.If he truly followed r' miller he wouldn't have done these acts.As for brainwashing,this suggests that r' miller ran a cult.A great insult to a torah great.I'm very suprised that this was posted.Espically as r' miller zt"l fought so hard on the issue daas torah spends so much time on.Well before bloggers like rap were out there.As for your "point" about his running away.It's really not even fit to respond to such a crooked anti torah great sevara.He's not afraid of of clinical reports about himself.He's afraid of sitting in jail!like so many other non r' miller people who ran away to israel!And running away from the law to avoid arrest,has nothing to do with psychyology

  12. Recipients and PublicityDecember 26, 2010 at 10:01 PM

    "c said...Outright slander against a gadol."

    RaP: Easy to say, why not argue the points not your "beliefs".

    "You really worked on this to come up with such a crooked sevara."

    RaP: Nothing to "work" on, it's an open and shut case, and very open and graphic too, as it's been reported in all the newspapers.

    "If he truly followed r' miller he wouldn't have done these acts."

    RaP: Nobody said he was "following" Rav Miller to do incest. Do not be such a simpleton please. The point is that he is and and was highly influenced by Rav Miller's harsh derech, which contains lots of misogyny (look that up).

    "As for brainwashing,this suggests that r' miller ran a cult."

    RaP: In some ways, yes, very sadly. Many of his followers certainly behave/d like cult members.

    "A great insult to a torah great."

    RaP: One can talk of any Torah great's faults. The Torah teaches that, not even Moshe Rabbeinu was beyond reproach.

    "I'm very suprised that this was posted.

    RaP: Sure, would would censor it and you would also censor what Kranczer did, naturally.

    "Espically as r' miller zt"l fought so hard on the issue daas torah spends so much time on."

    RaP: Rav Miller fought for many things, but he had his faults. He was human.

    "Well before bloggers like rap were out there."

    RaP: Get over it, the Internet and bloggers are here to stay.

    "As for your "point" about his running away."

    RaP" "My" point? It was Kranczer who fled like a coward in the night.

    "It's really not even fit to respond to such a crooked anti torah great sevara."

    RaP: To criticize Kranczer is now "anti-Torah"? Wow!

    "He's not afraid of of clinical reports about himself."

    RaP: Tel that to the marines!

    "He's afraid of sitting in jail!"

    RaP: Why is it "beneath his dignity" to sit in jail? Why should he be sheltered and protected by his friends that in turn makes them a party to and part of his immoral incestuous crimes! They will also have to answer for what they are doing.

    "like so many other non r' miller people who ran away to israel!"

    RaP: Israel does not need those types! Why does Israel need criminals and dangerous perverts?

    "And running away from the law to avoid arrest,has nothing to do with psychyology"

    RaP: Wrong! Kranczer, when he is finally apprehended, will face a psychiatric evaluation, any father who rapes his own daughters has to face that, and on that basis he may either be sent to a psychiatric facility or face a trial and jail time, and even then he may be found to be "legally insane" and be confined to a mental facility for the rest of his life to keep him away from harming others. Kranczer is a VERY sick man!!!!

  13. why is C defending the b-stard in question?

    If C had any remote interest in G-d's Torah, he would know that the penalty for those depraved acts is death.
    Unfortunately, Torah law is not practiced as it should be, which means he will be sent to prison, and probably get Glatt kosher food there.

  14. Sorry,eddie you clearly didn't read my posts .I was talking about rabbi miller zt"l,as is crystal clear to anyone who is reading these posts with an intrest in the truth.

  15. Just as an aside.Eddie seems to be 100% ignorant on how deis din works in death penalties.That's why a beis din which kills more tan one person in 70 years is calles a kiler dies din.

  16. How are Rabbi Gershon Kranczer and his son managing to hide from the law and have not been spotted for so long in Israel and who is hiding them? Does anyone have any clues?

  17. rumor has it that he is hiding out in bnei brak ponoviz yeshiva area or in the yeshiva itself . only way to alert people is to get a photo of him . does anyone out there have accsess to any type of photo of this monster?


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