Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Part III Saga of publishing Abuse Book - End Game

After being rejected by the frum book stores. I looked into ebooks. I rejected that path because I failed to produce an error free ePub file.
Plan B was to publish through a publish on demand service. But that would cost more than I could sell the book. However I discovered that Amazon has a very reasonably service Createspace which produces books at an affordable price. The only downside is that it only produces paperback. Similarly I discovered that Amazon's ebook division e.g., Kindle readily converted my files into Kindle books and it is also reasonably priced.
So if all goes well I will be producing an ebook version of my book this week and a paper back version in the next week or two.
The kindle ebook will consist of the basic issues and halachic concerns, the 25 essays as well as the Synopsis which was reviewed and annotated by Rav Sternbuch. It will also have a concise 25 point practical guide. About 260 pages of the original book. I plan to sell it for $9.99 .

The detailed halachic discussions will be published in a separate volume. A third volume will include the Hebrew footnotes as well translations of the major sources in the literature arranged by author each for $9.99 a book. This arrangement also allows easier navigation in the ebook format as well as allowing flexibility in buying as much as you want.
These will be accessible on the Amazon website. I will also have links from my blog. The paperback sold on Amazon is eligible for free shipping in USA when the total reaches $25. I plan to sell it slightly discounted on my Amazon estore.
I am not sure whether or not to publish the paperback in 2 or 3 volumes. I also haven't decided on the pricing - but the volume with the essays will definitely not be above $25. I am just not certain whether to include the halachic discussions with the Hebrew footnotes or to include it with the essays.


  1. I am a book publicist and I focus on the Jewish world. I'd appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you.

    Stuart Schnee - stu@stuartschnee.com

  2. from Moshe
    Can you please tell me what your book is about. I mean we all know that these thing are not allowed. Anything other than 'normal' is frowned upon. Will you be giving heterim? or expanding on the issur. Is it really necessary for men (or women) to know about all these things that they exist. And if they know already what will your book be teaching them. Will someone who already 'indulges' in these practices be likely to read your book? Surely the frum world whom you are trying to sell it to through their bookstores have no need of it!


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.