Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New sex laws will help abuse prevention


Uncle John has been taking his nephew Steve on camping trips every weekend. The family knows John has a history of being a sexual predator, and they suspect he may be grooming the child for abuse.

In the recent past, Social Services could only help that child once it suspected he had been mistreated.

Not anymore. New laws passed this year in the wake of the horrific abuse and murder of a Salisbury girl address loopholes in the system that deals with sexual predators.

A panel of state employees who work with the sex offender registry, Child Protective Services and corrections spoke about some of those changes during a panel at Thursday's annual Maryland Association of Counties conference in Ocean City. The new laws will take effect Oct. 1. [...]


  1. http://www.wpix.com/news/local/wpix-robinson-funeral,0,2974626.story

    Why is this Black ger, murdered in a robbery at kosher wine store in Flatbush, being taken to Jamaica for kevurah?

    Unless there is an old Jewish cemetery there and a minyan to say kaddish, is there no place to bury someone in NY who has no money?

    Where are the big askonim who found money to bury cop killer Martin Grossman?

  2. May be this is what he and his family wanted and his rabbi saw fit to respect their request? Anyway, why dont you please check the facts, and if indeed money is needed - or contacts - please verify it and then we will be happy to help.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.