Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Analyzing the Rubashkin sentence

Five Towns Jewish Times

It is clear to anyone who read Judge Reade’s fifty page sentencing memorandum that she is aware that she needs to explain herself.  This is perhaps why she released the instant sentencing memorandum a day earlier.  Judge Reade does, in fact, attempt to explain herself stating that there are sentencing guidelines that need to be followed, and that there is a system here that works with something called “Offense Level Points.” 

The question is whether or not Judge Reade could have exercised more leeway in her sentencing memorandum to give Mr. Rubashkin a less draconian sentence. For federal prison sentences, let us recall, there is no parole.  These figures are real and quite, quite painful.   Also, after a while, people tend to forget about those who languish in federal prisons [....]


  1. As I commented on this blog before... The injustice is not toward Rubashkin in particular, it's that the length of sentences for bank fraud are so out of line with other crimes. Someone would do far less time for murder than for bank fraud.


  2. While this is a sad and painful story, it could have been avoided if Rubashkin and his cohorts were not a bunch of akshonim.

    Avi Goldfarb is ignoring facts to insinuate government misconduct which follows the trend of the heimish establishment and his publisher who is a semi-lapsed Lubavitcher and profiteer from Rubashkin and OU ads.

    There are huge nafka minas between Rubashkin and Spero. Spero showed remorse and made restitution. Rubashkin still refuses to owe up to anything. He obstructed justice by perjuring himself on the stand (which is about the worst thing you can do to infuriate a judge), destroyed evidence and will not be paying back a penny until the court forces him to.

    The Chicago Tribune board of editors are arguing that equal justice under the law is not reducing Rubashkin's sentence but rather increasing the sentence of other criminals to surpass Rubashkin's length of incarceration.

  3. We started making a point of buying raw eggs with hashgocho after a recent NY Times article that briefly mentioned the shells are being sprayed with oil.

    The article below indicates that vegetable oil applied to the egg shell may seep inside.


    His article "Why you don't want to buy organic eggs at the grocery store" raises the question what happens after organic eggs have been collected. Some states require that they are cleaned by washing them in a chlorine bath. That isn't exactly what I as an organic customer and ex organic farmer's wife expected to happen to the eggs labeled organic, grocery store or not. In addition, they undergo "a mineral oil coating before they are nestled into their cartons," the article continues. And the eggs are still allowed to carry the organic label.

    My research took me to:

    Guidelines for Certification of Organic Eggs and Meat Birds
    Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF)

    Northeast Organic Farming Association. There it says:

    "The following egg wash ingredients are allowed for use in organic egg production:

    􀂃 Sodium hypochlorite 􀂃 Potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide
    􀂃 Hydrogen peroxide 􀂃 Sodium carbonate
    􀂃 Peracetic acid (Peroxyacetic acid)

    Other additives/ Egg coatings:

    Mineral oil is not listed on the National List Section 205.605 and therefore may not be used to coat eggs after washing.

    Organic vegetable oils would be allowed for this purpose.

    Why coat eggs in any kind of oil, I wondered? So that they look shiny? Not quite, there is a scientific explanation for it.

    The surface of an egg shell is covered with thousands of microscopic holes which makes it quite porous. A natural coating referred to as the 'bloom' helps seal the holes, preventing bacteria from entering. As the egg ages, the bloom is worn away, which allows moisture to slowly escape and air to enter, forming the 'air cell'. Bacteria may also enter, and contamination may result. When eggs are washed to remove germs that may be on the surface the bloom is also removed, so a thin coating of oil is applied to take the place of the bloom. This works in the same way as the bloom, keeping the contents fresh for longer periods. The bloom also provides eggs with a natural luster or shine. Mineral oil not only protects your eggs as a sealant but it also restores the luster, the shine of the egg.


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