Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Catholic Church's Catastrophe

Wall Street Journal

There is an interesting and very modern thing that often happens when individuals join and rise within mighty and venerable institutions. They come to think of the institution as invulnerable—to think that there is nothing they can do to really damage it, that the big, strong, proud establishment they’re part of can take any amount of abuse, that it doesn’t require from its members an attitude of protectiveness because it’s so strong, and has lasted so long.

And so people become blithely damaging. It happened the past decade on Wall Street, where those who said they loved what the street stood for, what it symbolized in American life, took actions that in the end tore it down, tore it to pieces. They loved Wall Street and killed it. It happens with legislators in Washington who’ve grown to old and middle age in the most powerful country in the world, and who can’t get it through their heads that the actions they’ve taken, most obviously in the area of spending, not only might deeply damage America but actually do it in.[...]


  1. An example of what happens to a community when you choose not to fix a problem.

    Of course, we don't have to deal with that because we are arguing of the various appliance hechshereim and whether or not salmon is muttar.

  2. Some journalists didn't think to go after the story because they really didn'tmuch like the Catholic Church. Because of this bias, they didn't see the story as a story. They thought this was how the church always operated. It didn't register with them that it was a scandal. They didn't know it was news.

    I hope Orthodox Jews will never be in the position that people will think that way Orthodox people do.

    I hope Orthodox Jews will never be in the position that people will think that way Orthodox people do

    I am pretty sure that if abuse happened in Conservative or Reform educational institute,. The parents will press charges in a minute and I do not think anybody in the Rabbinical Assembly or the URJ will stop the parents.


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