Thursday, March 18, 2010

R' Eliashiv prohibits moving graves for emergency room


Plans to build a rocket- and missile-proof new emergency room at Ashkelon’s Barzilai Medical Center were dealt a blow on Thursday when Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, the top rabbinic authority for the Lithuanian haredi community, told Deputy Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman not to be complicit in moving graves to make room for the structure.[...]


  1. Yasher Koach to Maran Hagoen HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv shlita for fearlessly taking a position that the demagogues will doubtlessly attack him for.

  2. But reselling graves in Queens (stacking graves and not telling anyone) for profit is muttar,

    I won't usually opine in piskei dininm, but this does raise eyebrows.

  3. So the living will die as to not disturb the dead?

  4. No, the hospital can be built elsewhere.

  5. No, the hospital can be built elsewhere.

  6. Notice how the chillonim grossly exaggerated the cost of Rabbi Eliashiv's chumra, claiming it will add over 100 million shekels to the project and delay it another year and a half.

    Obviously a lie. This is how they treat us all the time.

  7. Hey "Friendly" Guy -- how do you know it is "obviously a lie". On what basis do you state that?

    Are you like so many in the chareidi community who just make up facts and dismiss truths?

  8. am I the only one not seeing the hyperlink to JPost?

  9. it is delayed and will cost a lot more money.
    They are the bones of Ovdei Avoda Zarah.
    Th e obvious subtext is that archaeology cannot dictate to halachah.
    I wonder if UTJ was running Israel, if America would bow to its Daas Torah? :)

  10. The rockets that will be falling on Ashkelon were imported freely into Gaza as a result of of Rav Elyahshiv's decision to support Sharon. That was a Psak based on considerations of Pikuach Nefesh. And so, to protect a hospital against the adverse consequences of that Psak, as fast and good as possible, that cannot be an issue Pikuach Nefesh. HaMevin Yavin. This is horrendous and ludicrous. The Iranian-built Hamas rockets have precision. The hospital is known to be a target.

  11. These are Jewish graves.

  12. Bob, how do determine that they are Jewish graves?

  13. Eddie, How did you determine they are not if Gedolei Yisroel said they are?

  14. David -
    a) look at post above: Expert's evaluation is like a beis din & witnesses
    b) I question whehter Gedolei Yisroel have said that they are Jewish graves. And even if they have said this, then the evidence has to be questioned. Remember, Gedolei Yisroel also said there was no halachic grounds to prohibit Smoking.
    c) There is no law that prevents the moving of graves, especially if it can save lives. Yosef hatzaddik was moved back to Israel.
    The experts say these are idol worshippers.

  15. I'll accept Gedolei Yisroel any day over "grave experts."

  16. But the "Gedolei Yisroel" are the ones who said that there was not a Jewish community in Ashkelon in that time period. They did NOT say these are Jewish graves.

    The "Gedolei Yisroel" also signed a letter of support to Elior Chen, so what use is it to hide behind "the gedolei Yisroel?" Should sechel not be employed here? They can be wrong.

  17. Student - They never said that.

  18. Velv: Exactly. Gedolei Yisroel never said that and never signed that. Some people stoop to all lows in lying to further their leftist anti-religious agenda.

  19. Never said what?


    "The committee members toured the site Wednesday morning along with Shuka Dorfman, director of the Israel Antiquities Authority and an aide to Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism). Litzman threatened to resign unless the planned emergency room is relocated.

    Dorfman told the committee that he cannot rule out the possibility that there are Jewish graves at the site designated for the new emergency room. "The fact that there was no Jewish community in Ashkelon does not mean that there were no Jews there at all. We cannot reach a decision until we dig in the entire site," he said."

    If the head of the Israel Antiquities said it's a FACT, are the Gedolim really arguing against that? Are they saying No there really was a Jewish community there at that time? Or are they merely saying, even though there was no Jewish community there, we just don't know and have to be stringent that maybe it's a Jewish grave somewhere in there?

    In any case, even Jewish graves can be moved.

    What is all this fuss about? What do the UTJ hope to accomplish with this? I did not see them object to the removal of Jewish graves from Gaza, the removal of living Jews and their homes from Gaza, and the removal of now-defunct yeshivot from Gaza. I'm not sure what the political goal here is that makes them so obsessed with this issue.

  20. Why are you and others obsessed with removing these Jewish graves?

    YNet is an anti-semitic rag on the caliber of Der Strumer. Taking lies from that rag is a discredit to your cause.

  21. "I did not see them object to the removal of Jewish graves from Gaza, the removal of living Jews and their homes from Gaza, and the removal of now-defunct yeshivot from Gaza."

    It is not that UTJ did not object to all this. They were co-perpetrators of all this evil.


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