Monday, February 1, 2010

Attempts to terminate Tropper investigation?

Press release has been edited.

Special to the Jewish News Datawire

One was formerly the head of an orthodox Jewish organization that dealt with facilitating the conversion process to Orthodox Judaism. He resigned amid allegations of impropriety with a candidate for conversion.  The other was a wealthy businessman who was [recently acquitted of all charges] that he had molested two women by pretending to be a gynecologist.

Leib Tropper is the former.  Zalman Leib Silber is the latter.  ....  Apparently, this past Sunday, the latter paid an unannounced visit to some of the Rabbis conducting an investigation into Leib Tropper’s behavior, asking that they drop the investigation.

Leib Tropper is the former head of the Eternal Jewish Foundation (EJF), an organization that has in the past successfully promoted the conversion process to Orthodox Judaism to couples that are intermarried.  EJF, among its other activities, provides scholarships for intermarried couples to attend seminars in Judaism at various hotels throughout the country, to promote their conversion to Orthodox Judaism promoting something that they term “Universally Recognized Conversions.”[...]

“The real scandal here is not the association between the two, but that someone would have the temerity to interfere with an investigation conducted by leading and respected Rabbis,” remarked a former colleague of Tropper.


  1. Like the proverbial greased pig, he'll just keep trying and trying until he gets away with it. You realize that, don't you?

  2. Who/what is the "Jewish News Datawire"?

    Where has this press release been posted?

    Why was it edited here?

  3. Since Mr. Silber was exonerated of any and all charges, why was it relevant and necessary to this press release to state what he was acquitted of?

  4. Dave said...

    Since Mr. Silber was exonerated of any and all charges, why was it relevant and necessary to this press release to state what he was acquitted of?
    there is a debate between the district attorney and Silber's lawyer whether the acquital was on a technicality or legal issues.

  5. Aaron S. said...

    Who/what is the "Jewish News Datawire"?

    Where has this press release been posted?

    Why was it edited here?
    this item was sent to me by a reliable source. I don't know where it has been posted. I edited the details of the charges and acquital which I thought distracted from the point of the post.

  6. DT said: there is a debate between the district attorney and Silber's lawyer whether the acquital was on a technicality or legal issues.
    DT: So the fact is Mr. Silber neither has any charges pending against him under indictment, nor has he been convicted of a single crime.

    How long must he hang until people are satisfied? How is he any more guilty of any crime than you or I? He is not.

  7. TO DT:

    What is the point of this post? why would Silber try to stop the investigation for Tropper? Wjhat is the connection I dont quite understand this at all? and to which RABBIS? please get more specifics ..any article that is unknown writer is dubious.

  8. Zalman Silber was not exonerated (see definition of Exoneration), nor acquitted of all charges.

    The DA dropped the charges because one of the witnessed (his ex-wife) perjured herself in another trial.

  9. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 2, 2010 at 12:08 AM

    There is no such thing as "Jewish News Datawire" anywhere on Google!

    What's with this guy Silber? How does he come to the Tropper case at all?

    What does this mean: "Zalman Leib Silber.... Apparently, this past Sunday, the latter paid an unannounced visit to some of the Rabbis conducting an investigation into Leib Tropper’s behavior, asking that they drop the investigation."?

  10. MT: His ex-wife fabricated the charges; after she perjured herself in court the DA withdrew all charges against Mr. Silber.

  11. Am I the only one thrilled to hear there is an investigation to interfere with?

  12. Jeez, this is all so bizarre!

  13. New York, NY December 23, 2009 -- Zalman Silber, one of the pillars of NY business, was accused a year ago with pretending to be a doctor, had all charges dismissed today by Manhattan D.A. No charges remain (case #3898-2008, Supreme Court New York County).

    Mr. Silber is the president of Tower Entertainment Corporation, the largest developer of location based entertainment attractions in the world, having developed the Empire State Building NY SkyRide in New York, NY, the Sydney Tower SkyTour attraction in Australia, as well as many other leading cutting edge attractions throughout the world.

    Attorney Jacob Laufer who represented Mr. Silber released the following statement to the press:

    'We are grateful that the Manhattan District Attorney's Office has done the right thing in dismissing the remaining charges against Zalman Silber, and ending a year and a half nightmare for him. Mr. Silber has continuously maintained his innocence of these charges.

    'The charges were instigated by his disgruntled ex-wife, and resulted in charges filed against him in Rockland County and in Manhattan. In Rockland County, the D.A. dismissed the charges in September. The District Attorney's Office explained that it would not go forward with his ex-wife's vicious accusations, because she was discredited as a witness after committing perjury and falsely testifying in a similar trial with Mr. Andrew Dale and her former husband Mr. Zalman Silber. That trial ended in a full dismissal due to the fact that the D.A. determined she was continuously lying under oath.

    'The Manhattan case, which was brought, again, at Mr. Silber's ex-wife's instigation, relied upon ambiguous identifications by two out of four witnesses. The identifications -- which drew heavily upon Mr. Silber's appearance as an Orthodox Jew, an appearance that he shares with many thousands of other people -- were obviously mistaken. One witness reported that the perpetrator had buck teeth, which Mr. Silber obviously did not have, and does not have. Another witness description of the perpetrator was of someone about 20 years older than Mr. Silber. In September, the Court in Manhattan determined that the District Attorney's Office did not conduct a reasonably diligent investigation, which resulted in the dismissal of most of the Manhattan charges. The remaining charges in Manhattan have now thankfully been dismissed.

    'Mr. Silber has suffered horribly in his personal and professional relationships. He has been reviled and mocked in press accounts that wrongfully assumed his guilt. He has had a deserved reputation as a decent man, and as a benefactor to his community, which has been damaged by these unjust accusations. He looks forward to the restoration of his reputation.'

    When asked, Zalman Silber said, 'I am glad this is all over, and very grateful to my friends and business partners throughout the world who have been so supportive during this difficult period.'


    Prosecutors have dropped the sex-abuse case against former Ramapo policeman Andrew Dale. District Attorney Thomas Zugibe says he made the call yesterday, when it became clear that the alleged victim had lied on the stand. Forty-year-old Sarah Silber Hollender had accused Dale of performing gynecological exams on her two years ago at her home -- as her then-husband, Zallman Silber, watched. Defense attorneys were able to trap Hollender in lies during her testimony on Tuesday. That led to yesterday’s dismissal of all charges against Dale and Silber, who was to have been tried separately. Dale -- was fired from the Ramapo police force after his indictment – has filed a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the town.

  15. The Journal News

    DA wrong on Dale, Silber prosecution

    Re an Oct. 10 article, "Ramapo woman accused of lying in sexual abuse case":

    ... the DA said he dismissed the case because Mr. Silber's former wife, the complaining witness, lied during testimony. That is perjury.

    This was an ill-conceived prosecution from its inception. Had the Rockland District Attorney's Office undertaken the same intensive investigation of the alleged victim as we did, they would have discovered the same information we did that completely undermined her credibility.

    Since Mr. Zugibe has acknowledged that "it appears she knowingly lied on the witness stand after taking the oath," doesn't justice require that she, too, be prosecuted? Or is it the district attorney's policy that prosecution witnesses have license to provide knowingly false testimony?

    William Aronwald

    White Plains

    Editor's note: Rockland District Attorney Thomas Zugibe has said his office continues to review whether to file charges against Sarah Silber.

  16. The Journal News

    Ramapo woman accused of lying in sexual abuse case
    Steve Lieberman

    October 10, 2009 22:03 PM

    Rockland's top prosecutor is reviewing whether to file perjury charges against a woman who apparently lied under oath during the sexual abuse trial of a fired Ramapo police officer.

    Sarah Silber allegedly lied on the witness stand about giving massages in New York, where she's unlicensed. The evidence came when three videos were played during the recent trial showing her giving massages and talking about the process with her clients.

    District Attorney Thomas Zugibe said his office is assessing her testimony.

    "It appears she knowingly lied on the witness stand after taking the oath," Zugibe said.


    Silber had accused former Ramapo Police Officer Andrew Dale of doing gynecological, rectal and breast exams on her on four occasions while her husband, Zalman Silber, watched.

    Her accusations - and testimony - led to his dismissal from the police force following a disciplinary hearing.


    Dale's lawyer, David Goldstein, said the prosecution dismissed the charges before he cross-examined Silber on the sexual abuse charges.

    Goldstein said he would have spent hours dissecting her claims, which included Dale ordering her to dress up, wear high heels for the exams and do 25 jumping jacks three times each session.

  17. Charges dropped in alleged sex assault

    Marcus Solis

    Eyewitness News

    RAMAPO (WABC) -- Charges have been dropped against a former police officer from Ramapo and another man accused of sexually assaulting a woman.

    Prosecutors say it's because the woman lied under oath about things unrelated to the charges, so she was no longer a credible witness.

    The accused, Andrew Dale, is still out of a job after he was fired from the Ramapo Police Department. Last year, Dale was accused of giving a woman fake gynocological and rectal exams inside a home in Monsey.

    The 10-year veteran was charged along with Zalman Silber, accused of performing the bogus tests on Silber's then-wife Sarah Silber. The incident allegedly happened while Zalman Silber, a millionaire businessman, watched for his sexual gratification. The charges were dismissed Wednesday.

    On Tuesday, Sarah Silber was caught lying under cross examination. The defense produced videos of her giving massages in New York, where she does not have a license. With her credibility in question, the Rockland district Attorney said he was left with no choice, stating, "It became clear that the complaining witness was untruthful under oath. Therefore, the districts attorney's office moved to dismiss in the interest of justice."...

  18. The Journal News

    Prosecutors this morning dropped all charges against a Monsey man and a fired Ramapo police officer who had been accused of sexually abusing a Rockland woman.

    Rockland prosecutor James Mellion told acting Supreme Court Justice Catherine Bartlett that the charges against former office Andrew Dale and Monsey resident Zalman Silber were being dropped “in the interest of justice.”

    Dale immediately hugged his defense attorney David Goldstein. Dale's wife, who was also in the courtroom, began to cry.

    Silber was not in court at the time.

    Mellion said the credibility of the prosecution’s chief witness, Sarah Silber, had been damaged by DVDs showing her giving unlicensed massages to clients in Monsey and the Bronx.

    Silber had accused Dale of sexually abusing her while her husband watched inside the bedroom of their Monsey house. She said that the two performed gynecological and rectal exams on her.

    Dale was fired as a result of Silber's accusations.

  19. The Journal News

    DECEMBER 22, 2009

    Felony charges were dismissed Monday against a Monsey millionaire accused of performing gynecological and other medical exams on women in Manhattan.

    The decision in state Supreme Court in Manhattan means Zalman Silber has been cleared of all charges of sexual abuse and portraying a doctor in Rockland and now Manhattan.

    "I am delighted that this nightmare has been put behind him," defense lawyer Jacob Laufer said of the 40-year-old Silber. "He has continuously maintained his innocence. We're grateful these charges were dismissed."...

  20. ...cont (Journal News)

    Laufer also said the case against Silber was instigated by his former wife, Sarah Hollander, who had been the chief witness against her former husband and a fired Ramapo police officer in a Rockland case.

    "Zalman can close this chapter and hopefully can restore his reputation and get on with his life," Laufer said.

    Hollander's testimony for the prosecution was discredited during the October trial of former Ramapo Police Officer Andrew Dale.

    Dale and Silber had been charged with performing sexual acts on her. They were being tried separately.

    Both men vehemently denied the felony charges.

    She had accused Dale of performing gynecological, rectal and breast exams on her on four occasions.

    She claimed her husband watched inside their bedroom of their Monsey home and wanted to have sex with her afterward.

    Dale's lawyer, David Goldstein, caught Hollander lying about about giving massages in New York without a license.

    The defense showed the justice three DVDs showing her giving unlicensed massages to clients in Monsey and the Bronx.

    With Hollander's credibility shattered, the Rockland District Attorney's Office dropped all charges against Dale and Silber.

    Before the trial, the Ramapo Town Board fired Dale based on the charges and accusations he failed to follow department rules.

    Dale, a police officer for a decade who served in the Marines, has filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the town.

  21. Sex charges dropped against fired Ramapo cop, businessman

    Sarah Silber, whose remarried name is Hollendar, had accused Dale of performing gynecological, rectal and breast exams on her on four occasions in the master bedroom of her Monsey house.

    She accused Dale of ordering her to change into different outfits and do 25 jumping jack in her under garments after each of the exams.

    She claimed her then-husband watched each 45- to 60-minute session and wanted to have sex with her afterward.

    Defense finds lies

    While defense lawyers called her claims preposterous and argued the case should not have been brought to trial, she gave that account to a grand jury, to detectives and to a judicial officer at Dale's departmental hearing.

    Zalman Silber's lawyer, former prosecutor William Aronwald, said Wednesday that if the District Attorney's Office had properly investigated Sarah Silber, prosecutors wouldn't have based their case on her without corroboration. He said the defense found weaknesses and problems with her credibility after comparing her testimony against signed statements in her medical and insurance records and in her divorce papers.

    "If they had investigated her more fully, I don't think the case would have been brought," Aronwald said. "They put two people through a nearly 2-year ordeal."

    Under cross-examination by defense lawyer David Goldstein, Sarah Silber admitted lying. He also pointed out discrepancies in her testimony on her claims of being sexually abused, compared with police reports.

  22. Ex-Ramapo cop's lawyer attacks credibility of woman in sex-abuse trial

    Steve Lieberman

    October 07, 2009 17:34 PM

    Andrew Dale's defense lawyer Tuesday brought out contradictory testimony by a religious woman who accused the fired Ramapo police officer of sexually abusing her while her husband watched inside the bedroom of their Monsey house.

    Attorney David Goldstein attacked Sarah Silber's credibility by having her admit that she lied about her medical conditions and prescription drug use on insurance forms, and showing that she lied on her divorce papers, and he cited discrepancies in her testimony against Dale.

    During more than three hours of questioning, Goldstein also noted that none of her medical or psychological records mentioned that she was supposedly given gynecological and rectal exams by Dale.

    Silber, 40, whose married name is now Hollender and who lives in Wesley Hills, testified in state Supreme Court in New City that she had told at least of one of her several doctors.

    Prosecutors Kevin Gilleece and James Mellion sat nearly helpless listening to Goldstein's questioning before acting Supreme Court Justice Catherine Bartlett. The judge rejected their objections to several questions.

    Dale, who was fired as a result of Silber's accusations, is facing a non-jury trial before Bartlett on four felony counts each of fourth-degree aggravated sex abuse and unauthorized practice of a profession, all felonies.

    Her former husband, millionaire businessman Zalman Silber, will face a separate trial, starting with jury selection Oct. 19. He faces similar charges of performing gynecological and rectal exams on women in Manhattan.

  23. "Given the development in court yesterday (Tuesday) where it became clear that the complaining witness was untruthful under oath on a collateral matter, and persisted when confronted with incontrovertible proof, the District Attorney's Office felt it could no longer sustain its burden of proof," the statement said.
    "The District Attorney's Office has an obligation to seek justice and insure that only truthful testimony is advanced in court," the statement said.

    The decisive blow to Sarah Silber's credibility came when the defense showed the judge three DVDs showing Sarah Silber giving unlicensed massages to clients in Monsey and the Bronx.

    Prior to the video, Silber testified that she is not licensed to give massages in New York.
    As the DVDs played, Sarah Silber still maintained when Goldstein challenged her that she was not giving massages, even when the video showed her oiling up her hands and stroking the man's legs and arm.

    She insisted she was providing therapeutic stretching, not a massage, under the principles of yoga.

  24. Postscript:

    Her own kids testified against her (the ex-wife Sarah Silber Hollander).

    And Sarah Silber Hollander's own (blood) family was helping her ex-husband, Zalman Silber, in fighting these false charges against his ex-wife.

  25. Journal News


    Rockland Prosecutors Drop Charges Against Dale

    Rockland prosecutors today fell on their own sword and dismissed sexual abuse charges and other counts against fired Ramapo Police Officer Andrew Dale – killing the controversial case before Judge Catherine Bartlett likely would have after hearing all the testimony in a non-jury trial. Charges also were dismissed against Zalman Silber, a millionaire Monsey businessman.

    Prosecutors acted a day after their chief – and only – witness, Sarah Sharon Silber, admitted she had lied on medical and insurance forms, as well as her divorce papers.

    Dale’s defense lawyer, David Goldstein, then snared her in another lie after she told the judge that she didn’t give massages in New York, where she’s not licensed to rub down bodies. Videos with audio played before the judge showed did three massages in Monsey and The Bronx – results of a sting operation by the defense team of Dale and her accused husband, Zalman Silber.

    And her husband’s lawyer, William Aronwald, believes they could have videoed her doing many more massages, since she advertised in New York magazines.

    Sarah Silber had accused Dale of performing gynecological, rectal and breast exams on her under strange conditions at her then home in Monsey. The circumstances included telling her to change clothing – she chose a evening gown and patterned skirt – and doing 25 jumping jacks after each of the exams in heels and her underware. She said her then husband watched.
    Whether Bartlett believed her testimony about the examinations, defense lawyers couldn’t say, but they had gut feelings they were on solid ground.

    Aronwald said he believed the judge would have dismissed the case based on the law – there wasn’t evidence to support sexual abuse or practicing medicine without a license. Aronwald said the prosecution’s second mistake was relying on Sarah Silber as the sole witness without obviously vetting her. He said the lies the defense found on her medical and insurance forms were there for the prosecution to find since they had the same documents.

    “This case was doomed from the beginning,” Aronwald said. “The DA is in the position of getting an indictment. It’s a tough decision to prosecute. But they didn’t have any corroboration. Dave brought out the lies. Then we had the massage video, which the DA didn’t know about.

    “I give them credit for pulling the plug on this thing before it went any further,” Aronwald said, referring to prosecutors realizing Sarah Silber’s testimony likely convinced Bartlett to dismiss the charges or acquit the two men. He also said his clients claims his former wife threatened to bring charges to Rockland prosecutors - and did in December 2007 – after he refused to give her $300,000 more in divorce payments.

    District Attorney Thomas Zugibe issued the following statement: “Given the development in court yesterday where it became clear that the complaining witness was untruthful under oath in a collateral matter, and persisted when confronted with incontrovertible proof. The District Attorney’s Office felt it could not longer sustain its burden of proof. Therefore, the District Attorney’s Office moved to dismiss in the interest of justice. The District Attorney’s Office has an obligation to seek justice and insure that only truthful testimony is advanced in court.”

    Bartlett was not enamoured with the prosecution’s case from the beginning or Sarah Silber’s testimony during pre-trial hearings.

    The judge already had dismissed 24 misdemeanor sexual counts before the non-jury trial, as well as several felonies for official misconduct against Dale, who had been accused of doing the exams in his police uniform. She and prosecutors fought over whether she recused herself from the case after a woman discussed the Silbers’ divorce with her. An appeals panel ruled she didn’t and the judge had the discretion to make that decision. ...


  27. Unlike Silber, Tropper has not denied the charges or the veracity of the allegations made against him.

    It isn't hard to wonder why that is. A phony denial would prove to be catastrophic if Ms Ormand sued him. for harassment, coercion, etc.

  28. "Unlike Silber, Tropper has not denied the charges or the veracity of the allegations made against him."

    According to various rabbis, Tropper does in fact "vigorously" deny them.

  29. I think the question of Zalman Silber's conduct is beyond our ability to evaluate on this blog. But the fact is that he is very wealthy appears to be the case if in fact he owns Tower Entertainment and his finances are solid.

    The interesting question is what is this inquiry? Who is conducting it, are they free of conflicts of interest and what questions are they pursuing and what actions would they be willing to take?

    DT, are you free to say any more about any of those points?

  30. TO DT:What is the analogy? Perhaps R. Tropper is also innocent and Orand framed him by a very rich hand behind detroying him... Yes there are the tapes , but are they valid in a court of law? I doubt it.. listening to them anyone can hear that they were doctored and do not have any sense to them. One tape seems to show some emotional relationship e.i. I love you, but you dont love me.. another seems to show something about an ambiguious contract, payment for treatments to a Doctor and then another one shows that He was not forcing her to do anything..and kind of breaking off with their really is no concrete conversation proving sexual misconduct on the audios..if they are authentic..very weak evidence. Is Orand lying as Mrs. Silber has??

  31. According to THIRD parties, Dave.

    And EXACTLY who are the THIRD parties who have said they have spoken with Tropper and are relaying his message?

    Where and when has Tropper gone on the record denying the charges? In his only public statement, he was careful NOT to deny the allegations against him.

  32. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 2, 2010 at 9:45 PM

    Still not sure what this Silber business has to do with Troppergate?

    This is beginning to be reminiscent of the way poster Roni/Tropper introduced the subject of Rabbi Bomzer's conversions as a RED HERRING distraction to take away attention from the central focus on the huge problems with Tropper and the nefarious proselytization dealings of the now near-defunct EJF disgraced aparat and its propaganda tentacles.

    So what's up with this Silber business and the subject of Tropper current woes?

  33. "This is beginning to be reminiscent of the way poster Roni/Tropper introduced the subject of Rabbi Bomzer's conversions as a RED HERRING distraction"

    Except in this case it was R. Eidensohn who introduced this Silber business.

  34. Re: EJF & Leib Tropper:

    Here's the way I see it. The rabbis are overly busy with their responsibilities at home, shul, yeshiva, etc.

    On their own, they never get together to ban, slam, or tar and feather anyone.

    When does that happen?

    When someone with nothing better to do with their time gets all hot-heated and makes it his personal mission to push his own agenda that will carry weight with their signatures.

    He then hops around from rabbi to rabbi making the case why his issue is the most important thing to have hit klal yisrael since Mattan Torah.

    If no one is doing that, the rabbis don't get caught up on this stuff, b/c this isn't what they do/see as an important use of their limited time.

    L. Tropper was the type of guy who made the rounds stirring the pot. Who's going to do that in this case? Not him. Absent an instigegator & nothing happens.

    I'm not saying this is the way it ought to be, but it's the reality.

  35. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 3, 2010 at 5:01 AM

    "Dave said...Except in this case it was R. Eidensohn who introduced this Silber business."

    How so? Rabbi Eidensohn is reporting that he got a "press release" from a so-called unheard of "Jewish News Datawire" that brings in the subject of this Silber business that seems to indicate that Silber is supposedly trying to terminate a not-well-known "investigation" (presumably by the Monsey rabbonim) into Troppergate and the sexcapades.

    Therefore Rabbi Eidensohn is NOT "introducing" the possible Silber RED HERRING but is reporting, somewhat quizickally that he is puzzled why, if there is a supposed investigation into Tropper's misdeeds, why this rich guy Silber with a chequered past when it comes to his own marital affairs etc, of all people, is sticking his nose into this business.

    Sounds fishy, no? And Rabbi Eidensohn has nothing to do with it, just faithfully reporting what has come to his attention as he tries to make heads and tails of it himself, and he is asking us to think it through aloud with him.

  36. Unbelievable that a blog with pretensions of being frum can mention previous charges against Silber, he was not acquited, all charges (over 50 counts in 2 states) were dropped, that is before going to trial, the main witness committed perjury and a second witness is being sued for being paid to commit perjury. A co defendent is suing Ramapo county for millions and yet somehow you think the possibility of his guilt is still up in the air on the basis of the statement from the DA trying to salvage something from their non-case?????

  37. oncerned said...

    Unbelievable that a blog with pretensions of being frum can mention previous charges against Silber, he was not acquited, all charges (over 50
    Why is it permitted for you to mention that he was acquited of all charges but it is a sin for me to mention the fact?

    Someone who has been widely known to have been accused of a crime - is benefited by having it mentioned that he was exonerated. If it weren't well known - then you are right that the exoneration shouldn't be mentioned and I would not have mentioned it.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.