Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Supreme Court refuses to extradite Mondrowitz


The Supreme Court determined Thursday that Abraham Mondrowitz, who is accused of committing severe sex crimes against minors in the US up to 25 years ago, will not be extradited.

Mondrowitz, a psychologist by trade, resided in the US until 1984, when he immigrated to Israel. A few months after his arrival he was indicted in his home country on charges of sexual abuse of minors.


  1. Is this pure Liberal meshugass or did the Gerrorists and Agudah work out some shady backdoor deal which shows that Israel is a Banana Republic where even the Supreme Court can be "gotten" to?

  2. Good call. One of the very few times the Israeli Supreme Court did something correct.

    A Jew should be tried by Jews.

  3. Aaron S., you have no idea what you are saying.

    Ger will manipulate the Israeli legal system so nothing happens to him.

    R' Shlomo Zalman & R' Zelig zichronam livrocho point out that America in almost all cases gives appropriate punishment that the criminal deserves so there is nothing to be choshesh for.

  4. "R' Shlomo Zalman & R' Zelig zichronam livrocho point out that America in almost all cases gives appropriate punishment that the criminal deserves so there is nothing to be choshesh for."

    Where is that written by Rav Sholmo Zalman?

  5. Ve'aleyhi lo Yuval, volume 2:113-114, which recounts besheim R' Yehuda Goldreicht:

    I asked Rav Auerbach about a particular Jew who stole a large sum of money and he was caught by the police in America. He was sentenced to a number of years in prison in America. Was it proper to assist in the collection of money for him [we were speaking about a large sum of $200,000] in order to fulfill the mitzvah of pidyon shvuyim to have him released from prison? When Rav Auerbach heard this he stated "Pidyon shvuyim?! What is the mitzvah of pidyon shvuyim here? The mitzvah of redeeming captives is only when the goyim are grabbing Jews, irrationally, for no proper reason, and placing them in prison. According to what I [Rav Auerbach] know, in America they do not irrationally grab Jews in order to squeeze money from them. The Torah says "do not steal" and he stole money -- on the contrary, it is good that he serve a prison sentence, so that he learns not to steal!

  6. Who wrote Ve'aleyhi lo Yuva?
    Who is R' Yehuda Goldreicht?

    The quote is of Rav SZ saying "According to what I [Rav Auerbach] know, in America they do not irrationally grab Jews in order to squeeze money from them." He is qualifying his statement by saying "according to what I know" and additionally qualifying his statement by saying from what he knows it isn't done "in order to squeeze money from them." Apparently he isn't excluding other untowardly reasons prosecutors or judicial authorities in America may abuse or overreach in prosecutions. And surely, especially considering the aforementioned qualifications, Rav SZ isn't providing an endorsement of the American judicial system.

  7. Aaron S. said...
    "Good call. One of the very few times the Israeli Supreme Court did something correct.

    A Jew should be tried by Jews."
    Since when are any batei dinim today qualified to try criminal cases?

  8. Amazing how people like Dave only want to hear the outcome they desire, namely that Mondrowitz get off the hook.

    I heard this from R' Shlomo Zalman's talmidim over 10 years about his shita of the American justice system. RSZA is carefully choosing his words in case of special situations or an overall change.

    And Mondrowitz would still get off very easy in the Liberal NY courts where Stefan Colmer is about to be released from Rikers Island despite not being cured of his pedophilia and serving hardly any jail time after he destroyed the lives of scores of little boys.

    Rav Elyashev, Rav Wosner, Rav Sternbuch and before them Rav Waldenberg have poskened it is permitted to turn over pedophiles to American authorities. This is certainly true if the Gerrers will ensure Mondrowitz remains a completely free man in Israel.

  9. I believe that R' Yehuda Goldreich is a maggid shiur at the OU center in Israel and is an eidim by R' Sholom Gold who was the first rosh yeshiva of Ner Yisroel-Toronto in 1959.

  10. "RSZA is carefully choosing his words in case of special situations or an overall change."
    Who said this isn't a "special situation"? Or that there wasn't an "overall change"? Or the most likely probability that RSZA qualified his words since he specifically didn't "hold" of American justice and merely said what he "heard" of it.

    "where Stefan Colmer is about to be released from Rikers Island"
    Where is it stated in halacha that even a pedophile must be locked up forever? Where is it stated in halacha that he hasn't already serverd enough time? Will 10 years satisfy you? 20? 40? What is the halachic basis for your decision of "X" amount of years as opposed to "Y" amount of years imprisoned?

    "despite not being cured of his pedophilia"
    I thought the argument all along was that pedophilia is "incurable". Now you are suggesting it IS curable.

    "Rav Elyashev, Rav Wosner, Rav Sternbuch and before them Rav Waldenberg have poskened it is permitted to turn over pedophiles to American authorities."
    Only in specific cases where a shaila was first asked and such was the psak din.

    Which Rav, specifically, issued a psak din in THIS case otherwise?

  11. Those who applaud this decision only do so because it wasn't their child who was assaulted.

    I wonder how they would feel if Mondrowitz moved into their neighborhood.

  12. By the way, Mondrowitz is NOT a psychologist.

    His resume is a sham. A check of the institutions he claimed to have attended and received a degree do not corroborate his attendance or graduation.

  13. Aaron S. said...

    Good call....

    A Jew should be tried by Jews.

    a psychotic jew should see a jewish psychologist.

  14. Velv is another drey kop grasping at straws to get this vile monster Mondrowitz off the hook.

    With all of your "lomdishe" diyukim, you can't see it's poshut that RSZA would deem a child rapist vos hot a din rodef to be worse than a ganav?

    A pedophile has a recidivist rate of almost 100%. And specifically in Colmer's case, the rabbonim tried to get him into Ohel's rehab program, which if there was ANY chance it would cure him, he dropped out and refused to be treated.

    Someone who was given malkus 5 times for stam lavin are put in "kippa" by beis din to kill them and someone suspected of murder with only circumstantial evidence is locked up indefinitely in mishmar. There are certainly grounds al pi halacha to lock up Colmer for a long, long time.

    And there are rabbonim who poskened Mondrowitz should be extradited. Are you going to pull a Tropper and smear them when you learn their identities?

  15. And there are rabbonim who poskened Mondrowitz should be extradited. Are you going to pull a Tropper and smear them when you learn their identities?
    It isn't possible to issue a psak din without the participation (or at least invitation) of both parties. Did these anonymous "rabbonim" listen to both sides anonymously?

  16. Velv, as Bob Grant would say, do you know you're pathetic?

    There are all kinds of legal documents and eidus from Mondrowitz victims that preclude any need to hear Mondrowitz's tzad in a beis din.

    Just what is wrong with people like you?

  17. Avid inish dina lenafsheiJanuary 14, 2010 at 11:14 PM

    Velvel must be upset that Pinchos killed Zimri without going to beis din to hear his side of the story.

    I never cease to be amazed how some guys that learned in yeshivos can be the biggest am haaratzim around.

    See the teshuvos about pedophiles being rodfim which means you kill them without going to beis din. Heck, you can even kill someone who is stealing a shaveh prutah from you.

  18. Rav Sternbuch told me that Mondrowitz should rot in jail.

  19. I used to get upset with stuff like this. But I've learned that even though we have an obligation to administer justice in this world, sometimes where extreme rosho'im are involved, Hashem makes it so that justice is denied.

    This is in order that he receive his full measure of punishment in the next world. This man is not even worthy of going to jail, and so will suffer fully in Gehinnom instead.

  20. Dear Daas Torah,

    Rav Shternbuch has some very good opinions, and it seems he knows how to balance Chesed with Gevurah.

    May I ask, is he totally opposed to having a State of Israel today, even if, it were say, a Torah abiding State?

  21. A Velvel worthy of the nameJanuary 17, 2010 at 12:38 AM

    The pedophiles should hang in the town square. (Firing squad another possibility). Give me that old-time religion and old-time justice.

    The "civilized" world has become too prissy and too gentle while the criminals who take shelter and hide within its ranks have become far more cruel and disgusting than ever before (probably directly correlated).

    Pilpulim can be done all day long about anything, but why should we employ pilpulim to protect those who destroy the souls of Jewish children? In such a case a pilpul approach is not only unnecessary, it's a crime. It is a disgrace that there are those who wish to defend the indefensible, unspeakable crimes. Such people are lower than scum.

  22. "And Mondrowitz would still get off very easy in the Liberal NY courts where Stefan Colmer is about to be released from Rikers Island despite not being cured of his pedophilia and serving hardly any jail time after he destroyed the lives of scores of little boys."

    If I understand the inmate info. correctly, on the NYS Department of Correction website, it seems to indicate that Colmer has not been released on parole, and is not due for another parole hearing until July 2011. Can anyone confirm that this is correct?

  23. P.S. If I'm correct, I hope that they will not grant him parole in July, 2011, either, and that at the very least he will have to serve his full sentence. Personally, I would throw away the key.


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