Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A blogging rabbi under attack

Five Town Jewish Times   I was requested to make this a separate post but see original post see Tropper scandal is this what Lakewood is producing. 

Rabbi Daniel Eidensohn lives in Har Nof, Jerusalem. He is the author of the much acclaimed Daas Torah Sefer, the Yad Moshe Index on Igros Moshe, and operator of a blog entitled DaasTorah, has been one of the few individuals strong enough and brave enough to stand up against bullying in the Orthodox Torah world.

Even before the Tropper scandal, Rabbi Eidensohn has been exposing the misrepresentations, the bullying, and the unfair practices that this organization has used against Bnei Torah, Geirim, and numerous others.

Now he, like many others who have attempted to shed light on some very questionable practices, is being attacked. A writer that claims he is from Lakewood writes about a Jewish bookstore in Lakewood as follows:[...]


  1. Rabbi Eidenson Chazak V'amatz. Cowards deface seforim in order to intimidate. If a Ben Torah seriously questioned whether a sefer belonged in his Beis Medrash he would have asked his Rosh Yeshiva. Every large yeshiva will have a few crazies.
    The attack demonstrates that your blog has real impact and Tropper and his supporters are desperate.
    Yosef Blau

  2. Rabbi Eidensohn,

    You are being attacked for publicizing misconduct on the internet. It is certainly true that the revelations about
    Tropper are causing him embarrassment. He could have avoided this spectacle by resigning in full before the information became public. But part of his chutzpah is his conviction that the olam can be fooled no matter what the facts are.

    He and his backers are responsible for this great scandal. You are being blamed for being the messenger. Do people believe that the facts would disappear if the mesenger would stop writing? No one says the Monsey chicken scandal would have been less of a problem if no one had been notified.

    The fact is that right now certain keilim have to be kashered before we can put this scandal behind us.

    Thank you Rabbi Eidensohn for the work you are doing.

    PS. I found the comments on the article in the 5T Jewish Times very interesting.

  3. To believe this is the height of gullibility.

  4. Rabbi Eidenson

    Yeyasher kochacho. Keep it up.

    Tropper , the person , is one problem.

    The far bigger problem is the charedi system which enabled Tropper to accumulate so much power and influence. There is no shortage of replacement troppers out there sharing that power and influence.

  5. I commend you, rabbi, for all of your hard work. It is truly amazing how you are able to stand up to these despicable people. How has our religion been hijacked by the corrupt? How are we going to tack it back? What are we to do when the Gedolim do not stick up for what is right? Who will lead us?

  6. please don't incriminate all of Lakewood. I live here and am not aware of any defenders of that menuval. It could have been one of his kids or bt chasidim that did the graffiti

  7. We all owe a debt of gratitude to rabbi Eidensohn for his willingness to stand strong and be Pinchas ben Elozor in the face of those who stood by helplessly - (hopefully silently) crying because they forgot(?) what to do, say and act!

    May Hashem bentch him with a (manifestation of) Brisi Shalom!

  8. When I have been asking people if they've heard the latest conversion scandel, two kollel wives have told me when I described this... oh but, they don't know if he did it. I think the yeshivish world wants to defend him. If only people would defend converts just as fiercely. Now, I know what you're all thinking, I have said there are insinceres out there. The difference is that I generally tried to withhold judgement. Furthermore, people forget that these converts tell me things they aren't telling rabbis or FFBs because they think that I think the same way, I guess.

  9. When I have been asking people if they've heard the latest conversion scandel, two kollel wives have told me when I described this... oh but, they don't know if he did it. I think the yeshivish world wants to defend him. If only people would defend converts just as fiercely. Now, I know what you're all thinking, I have said there are insinceres out there. The difference is that I generally tried to withhold judgement. Furthermore, people forget that these converts tell me things they aren't telling rabbis or FFBs because they think that I think the same way, I guess.

  10. Why is some anonymous man who claims to live in Lakewood being given all this attention?

    For all you know he can be a homeless unemployed 55 year old living on welfare in some Library in Florida.

  11. Why is some anonymous man who claims to live in Lakewood being given all this attention?

    For all you know he can be a homeless unemployed 55 year old living on welfare in some Library in Florida.

  12. y.b. comentator # 1 we can faithfully count on you to belive every internet blogger,s rumur and use it as a opportunity to bash lakewood when i saw the letter the blog owner posted yesterday i was waiting for the hate lakewood crowd to pop out of the woodwork they love to belive anything that puts lakewood in a bad light p.s. i had a friend in lkwd go check bmg library to see for himself and guess what its not true

  13. meh.

    very few people have the moxie to actually put their names (and *gasp* PICTURES) on their blogs. you do. and i think that is no small part of the reason that you are being attacked so vehemently.
    most of these crines were perpetuated in silence. and they (the perpetrators) hoped to keep it that way.
    Your candid efforts to the contrary are more than a thorn.
    i believe there is a mishna in avos that says something along the lines of anyone that is "michalell shem shamayim bsesser, niphraim mimenu b'galui".

  14. The Lakewood guy is an example of why people do not want Kol Yaakov talmidim around their daughters, in their home for shabbos and not to have shidduch with them.

    He is an example for the zombie freak Tropper follower who cannot think for himself and when his dear leader is exposed as a menuva he lashes out at those who expose him.

    He should take his rage on the menuval who sold him toras sheker.

    In any case I do not think we gain anything for bringing them into our community, let them run havoc on the Conservative and the Reform communities.

  15. "michalell shem shamayim bsesser, niphraim mimenu b'galui".

    This reminds something similar which is applicable to the Tropper case:

    From Sefer Chassidim:"kol
    ha'mitzta'er al tzaar reshaim she'hayu achzarim nifraim mimenu",
    (those who feel sorrow for the pain of the wicked who were cruel,
    he is to be punished).

    Also from the source applicable to our case:

    a Jew who is kind-hearted marries a kindhearted proselyte woman, it is better for other Jews to marry their descendants rather than the descendants of pure Jews who lack their virtue (no. 377).

    Both about you Tropper!

  16. There is no support for Dropper in Lakewood! He is an outcast of historic proportions.
    An Alter Lakewooder with internet access

  17. I'm really disturbed at some of the reasonable people that I've run across in the past few weeks that think Tropper was set up. How exactly do you set someone up to propose hiring out a woman so you can watch her being raped? And how dubious are people that they think there is some nebulous technology out there that could produce a "forgery" of such proportions????

  18. Sorry for the typo - that should say "how gullible are people to believe something as dubious as there is some nebulous technology out there...."

    Where is that edit function? :)


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