Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tropper: Word of the scandal spreads


מלחמה אישית המתנהלת נגד הרב לייב טרופר מארגון נצח משפחת ישראל עברה
לפסים מכוערים, וגרמה להתפטרותו המפתיעה מהארגון. אתמול הופצו פשקווילים נגדו בירושלים ובבני ברק


  1. Somewhat unliteral:

    A personal war being waged against Harav Leib Tropper of EJF has turned ugly and led to his sudden resignation from the organization. Yesterday, paskevillim were posted against him in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.

  2. Somewhat unliteral:

    A personal war being waged against Harav Leib Tropper of EJF has turned ugly and led to his sudden resignation from the organization. Yesterday, paskevillim were posted against him in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.

  3. Perhaps everyone should just lay low, avoiding commenting and let this play out.

  4. Garnel Ironheart said...

    Perhaps everyone should just lay low, avoiding commenting and let this play out.
    My 1 year old grand daughter thinks that if she covers her eyes I can't see her!

  5. The 3 musketeers who rallied everyone against Slifkin were Pinter, Tropper and Schmeltzer. Pinter is in jail again, Tropper has big problems all around and rumors are starting to emerge on UOJ about Schmeltzer's kollel in Miami.

  6. Can anyone have the tapes authenticated? I know someone in the security field who the Debriciner zl went to when he was brought recordings of cheating spouses.

  7. R' Elya Ber is treading on thin ice. Over a year ago he tried to distance himself from EJF claiming Tropper had no right to use his name. Yet, right after even Rav Steiman came out against it last week, he is plunging in head first.

    The only possible good that could come out of this is that R' Elya Ber & R' Reuvein would presumably not cross as many lines in halacha as Tropper himself.

  8. >Can anyone have the tapes authenticated?

    It's almost irrelevant. While I confess that I am privileged to not know Tropper, and have never heard him speak so I can't speak from authority, the man speaking on the tape (and his wife) have very distinctive voices and speaking styles. He does not have a media voice, he is not some generic midwestern executive. It is quite obvious that anyone who knows them even a little bit will recognize in about 5 seconds beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is him (and his wife, although she only speaks for a minute vs his half hour, but she does mention "Leib").

  9. Fact Checker asked:
    Can anyone have the tapes authenticated?

    It seems to me that Rabbi Tropper authenticated the tapes himself by his abrupt resignation.

  10. Well I guess it was just matter of time before someone started saying that this was all just a ruse of his ex-supporter. I am actually sickened by the fact that this made the press.

  11. It's rumored that the NYPD and NY Post are on to the Tropper story.

  12. For those of us that aren't as initiated, can someone clarify what we're allegedly listening to?

  13. you revealed the hidden, you made public his shame and the hid behind the chofetz chaim that public knowledge can be repeated.

    did you specificly get a hetter from rav shternbuch to do so?

  14. Did Tropper serve on a conversion beit din? If yes, are these conversions still valid? Can one be a dayan at the same time as one is running a prostitution ring?

    Why do you say that Leib is speaking to his wife? Sounds more like a mistress to me.

  15. A full Translation

    A personal war being waged against Harav Leib Tropper of EJF has turned ugly and led to his sudden resignation from the organization. Yesterday, paskevillim were posted against him in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.

    Chairman of Eternal Jewish Family(EJF), HaRav Leib Tropper resigned yesterday(Tuesday) unexpectedly from his office, after he was attacked by means of Pashkveilim that were distributed in the streets of Bnei Brak and Jerusalem. Under the Title “Get Out Unclean Thing”, and wrote that HaRav Troper, “pretends to convert and draw near hearts to our father in heaven, but truly he does the acts of Zimri and seeks the reward of Pinchas.”

    In a laconic announcement that HaRav Tropper published, he explained that his separation from the organization was, “In order to pursue a variety of other interests.” Further he wrote, “I am proud of my role of being an architect of a very dynamic and important movement in our community. I will in the coming months do my utmost to be of service to the Jewish community in any way I can. I wish every continued success to EJF”

    President of the Halakhic committee of EJF, HaRav Reuven Feinstein, delivered a comment that, “ I hope that Rav Leib Tropperעs decision to resign his position at EJF will serve him and his family well. It is with a deep sense of regret and yet renewal that I note a change in leadership of the Eternal Jewish Family. EJF will continue to be guided by the highest halachic standards.”

    Nearly three months earlier, the conflict between the Billionare Guma Aguiar and Leib Tropper became public. Aguiar claimed that he transferred to Tropper 10million Shekels on condition that he would distribute it to Torah bodies and organizations. However the the money did not reach its destination. HaRav Tropper denies the claim, and claims that Aguiar threatened to terminate him, and to throw him from a 9th floor of a hotel.

  16. Hey Spectator, get your facts straight. R'Eli Schmelzer the Rosh Kollel in North Miami Beach is the brother of Reuvie Schmelzer-the one involved with Sliflkin. R'Eli had nothing to do with the Slifkin situation, and is a talmid chochom and a baal chesed.

  17. >My 1 year old grand daughter thinks that if she covers her eyes I can't see her

    And the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal thinks that if you can't see it, it can't see you.

    My point is that this could turn into a feeding frenzy so quickly and to what advantage?

  18. >My point is that this could turn into a feeding frenzy so quickly and to what advantage?

    Why is the presumption about specifically this scandal that the more prudent response is silence (as if it's not already broken wide open and the masses are buzzing)?

  19. This scandal should be made very public. The average gentile on the street in the US thinks that Jews harbor child molesters, money launderers, pimps, income tax evaders, drug dealers, weapons dealers, con artists, ponzi scheme investors and so forth.

    The worst part is, they are RIGHT.

    This guy is a pimp. Let it be known that we're as disgusted with it as everyone else. It's a Chilul Hashem to hush it up and give the appearance that we tolerate it because he happens to be a fellow Jew.

  20. not a fan of smeltzerDecember 15, 2009 at 10:24 PM

    to Insider on Spectator's comment...the one in NMB declares that anyone who believes in science at all is apikores. He told one kid whose father is a physicist that he's an apikores if he believes that science is true. He publicly scolds the owner of the MB Judaica store about keeping books of Science and Torah for being an apikores and attempts to throw away any Jewish news paper that might print an article which says Hashem began creation more than 6000 years ago.

  21. I was actually in Torah Treasures Miami Beach when the Rosh Kollel of North Miami insisted on removing copies of the OU's magazine on Science and Torah for being heretical.

  22. It appears that Tropper still has his Yeshiva to fall back on.

  23. Recipients and PublicityDecember 16, 2009 at 8:25 AM

    It is now also reported in the New York Jewish Week: Outreach Rabbi Resigns Amid Cloud Of Scandal (12/15/2009).

    The Chillul Hashem radioactive toxic cloud unleashed by Tropper's ma'asim megunim now takes on global proportions since the NY Jewish Week were the ones to undo and follow to the bitter end the case of the disgraced Baruch Lanner, another charismatic kiruv rabbi who lost his way which then resulted in a massive Chillul Hashem.

  24. Recipients and PublicityDecember 16, 2009 at 8:55 AM

    Naturally the "free press" of the opne and uncensored Jewish blogosphere, consisting of all shades and opinions, has started to report, dig in and gain much commentary from a wide spectrum of the Jewish world online:

    *Vos Iz Neias (VIN): Suffern, NY - Noted Rabbi Abruptly Resigns From EJF; Famous Organization For Conversions

    *Yeshiva World News (YWN): Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Assumes EJF Leadership, Rav Leib Tropper Steps Down

    *MATZAV: Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Takes Over As Head of EJF, Rabbi Tropper Resigns

    *Unorthodox-Jew (OUJ): Rabbi Reuvein Feinstein Head Of The Coverup For Leib Tropper!

    *Failed Messiah (FM): TROPPER: Outreach Rabbi Resigns Amid Cloud Of Scandal

    *Rationalist Judaism (Natan Slifkin): Rabbi Leib Tropper Resigns

    *Jewish Updates: Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Takes Over As Head of EJF, Rabbi Tropper Resigns

    and all this is only a couple of days after Tropper is forced to quit, the mess will look a whole lot worse in the days, weeks and months to come r"l.

  25. Recipients and PublicityDecember 16, 2009 at 10:27 AM

    "mekubal said...It appears that Tropper still has his Yeshiva to fall back on."

    Not really! Now that he has self-inflicted such serious self-mutilation on what was left of his name, in his home shtetel of Monsey they in any case stayed far away from him even in his pre-EJF days, now it will be totally impossible for him to "return to the way that it was" and it will be pathetic to watch this aspirant "Napoleon" wither on the vine and fizzle out in his twilight years in enforced exile on a virtual St. Helena.

    He will be lucky if he is left with the merest of family life because the big tsunami that Tropper now must face are the legal cases and dinei Torah that Guma Aguiar is mercilessly conducting against him in a no-holds-barred showdown.

    Now Tropper will have no moral standing of any sort in any court or bais din, neither credibility nor ne'emonus, that he has been "defrocked" and revealed to be a charlatan who has been forced to resign for his immoral behavior when he claimed he was recruiting women and couples "to convert" when it was all part of a larger more sinister global ensnarement and entrapment scheme

    One cannot help but be amazed that the biggest insult that poster Roni/Tropper used to throw at his foe Rabbi Bomzer on this blog was that Bomzer was taking "e$$$nan" money and he would repeat that canard over and over again without proof, well now the truth is out and it is Tropper himself, working with his still-un-named pals, blind disciples, allies and enablers who were the ones dolling out. This just proves what the Jewish sages teach that "kol haposel bemumo posel" -- whoever negates another does it with his own faults, and in Tropper's case it's now writ large.

    In the age of instant communications and the Internet and with sex-abuse by clergy being carefully and openly discussed and prosecuted it will be impossible for Tropper to return to "business as usual" and fake it as if nothing ever happened because no one in his right mind would come to or refer someone to a place run by Tropper and his personality cult of cronies. The sooner Kol Yaakov "yeshiva" (it does not deserve such a noble and holy title!) is shut down and Tropper sent away into far-off exile, the better it will be for Monsey and for Klal Yisrael.

    Tropper may like Tahiti, the actor Marlon Brando lived on an island there, or maybe Tom Kaplan can get Tropper involved in his real passion "Panthera" of saving endangered big wild cats, a lot safer than Tropper's last hobby under the EJF flag of "saving the Jews" via granting the world ultra-charedi fraudulent EJF "universal" conversions.

    Can't imagine how any of this can be salvaged at this point. It is a total disaster zone and write off as they in the classics, and to think of the tens of millions of dollars that went down the tubes, then again, Tropper got good fun (!!!) out of it and now he leaves others to clean up after him!



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