Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ezagui case & Chabad

Home Page See Federal Indictment under documents

Ezagui Case from Pidyon Shevuim Trust on Vimeo.


  1. Unless anyone can make a compelling case that Ezagui is being framed, there is no mitzva in a country like America to be podeh him, al pi the (real) gedolim like R' Shlomo Zalman and R' Zelig.

    I'm getting tired of groups like Lubavitch and Agudah asking the public to bail out every criminal like Rubashkin and others.

    I think it's a tremendous chilul Hashem that they make us look to the goyim that we don't care about criminality and justice.

  2. http://yudelstake.blogspot.com/2009/10/lakewood-voters.html?showComment=1257215647624#c9084959761858645463

    At the recent AKO Conference, held this past Thursday in New York City, the Volover Rov warned all in attendance to avoid giving kashrus supervision in China, since even he, who only does hashgacha temidis there, has had stories of the Chinese forging hechsheirim.

    There is growing interest by Chinese companies in obtaining kosher certification and the incidents of fraud, with companies claimed that they had kosher certification when they did not, are on the rise.

    Rabbi Pinchos Juravel of the Kof-K reported a new finding in smaller beer companies that are sending out their barley to be smoked in local smokehouses that can also be smoking non-kosher.

  3. http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/smk.jpg

    Dayan Shmuel Meir Katz pinned this sign to his front door this morning intimating that it is assur to vote for Obama's shlock shamess Corzine and that anyone who says to vote for Corzine in the name of Lakewood dayanim is a liar.

  4. the Volover Rov warned all in attendance to avoid giving kashrus supervision in China, since even he, who only does hashgacha temidis there, has had stories of the Chinese forging hechsheirim.

    Does not make sense, if the Chinese are forging hechsheirim they do not need any suprvision.

  5. What the Volover means is that they have a propensity to lie period and they therefore cannot be trusted for anything. He does not trust them when he has mashgiach temidi so how can OU & Star K trust them without mashgichim on site?

  6. What is the link between this video "daas torah" or "jewish identity"?

    Did you post this video to tell us that the term "Pidyon Shevuim" is used improperly, even by people who have a beard, black kippah and white shirt?

  7. For those who want to know what Ezagui is accused of, this link might help.


    Unfortunately, in the video dubbed "the true story revealed", we did not learn anything about "the story"...

  8. kesher said...

    What is the link between this video "daas torah" or "jewish identity"?

    Did you post this video to tell us that the term "Pidyon Shevuim" is used improperly, even by people who have a beard, black kippah and white shirt?
    what else?

  9. Official Chabad communiques on the websites they maintain have long distorted the truth and tried to portray a world of vicious anti-Semittin and self-hating Jews out to get frumme Yidden.

  10. it is a plain stupid mistranslation of fishel rabinowitz's letter calling this guy his rebbe, read the hebrew

  11. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1256740788441&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull

    Looks like Guma is going to lose control of Betar because of a lawsuit against Gaydamak.

  12. http://cbs11tv.com/local/Rick.Perry.Texas.2.1280352.html

    The city of Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world and it has a new defender: Texas Governor Rick Perry.

    In August, Perry was given the "Defender of Jerusalem" award. So Perry and his wife flew first class to Israel at more than $5,000 per ticket. The governor's security detail of four Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers was also along for the trip.

    They all took the 7,000 mile journey to accept the award at a time when the governor was asking everyone else in state government to cut back on travel. During a speech in Houston, Perry directed state agencies to "curtail taxpayer funded travel."

    According to state documents, the taxpayers' bill just to take Perry's security officers on the 5-day trip was more than $70,000. The breakdown includes $17,000 for rooms at the swanky King David Hotel, nearly $13,000 for food and more than 350 hours of overtime.

    The specific price tag for the governor and his wife are secret. So when CBS 11 asked to see the governor's expense records for the trip, we received four pages and no specifics.

    Records obtained by CBS 11 show the governor's airfare and trip costs for he and his wife were paid for by Irwin Katsof, a financier for energy companies around the world. And the man who presented Perry with the Defender of Jerusalem award, Guma Aguiar, owns a company that made billions of dollars in the Texas natural gas industry. Aguiar also created the award given to Perry.

    CBS 11 obtained private emails and found the organizer, Katsof, asked attendees what kind of scotch they preferred for a "scotch and cigar bar" where they would admire "a starry Jerusalem."

  13. Tropper is going to do backflips when he reads here that Guma is connected to a founder of Aish Hatorah.

    He will probably also beg Suchard to turn Gateways "patron saint" Joe Lieberman against Guma.

  14. What a shame that this story is used by some to criticize others instead of focusing on the issues of mesira and pidyon shevuim. At least check the facts before criticizing!

    Ezagui was taken to civil court with a questionable heter arkos. The same Rabbonim who issued it said clearly that it did not extend to criminal court and such action is forbidden (see the documents in the site link of the video).

    I have spoken to those who are in danger of losing their homes. They all say that Ezagui did not intentionally steal from them and that he delivered title to most of the purchasers. His development went bankrupt before he could deliver the last few titles.

    Apparently the Federal government was interested in mortgage fraud and went to Ezagui for evidence against others. When he refused to cooperate and maaser them, he was prosecuted himself, as is often the way of Federal prosecutors, lo aleinu.

    Check it out yourself before you blast others.



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