Thursday, November 19, 2009

Conversion:Chief Rabbi vs. City Rabbis

The legal adviser to the Chief Rabbinate said Wednesday that he would take disciplinary steps - including layoffs - against city rabbis who refused to recognize converts who converted under the aegis of the Chief Rabbinate.

Attorney Shimon Ulman told the Knesset Immigration and Absorption Committee that it was unlawful for city rabbis to refuse to recognize conversions performed by the chief rabbinate rabbinical court.

In a telephone interview after the Knesset meeting Ulman told The Jerusalem Post that although the procedure was a long one, he would initiate disciplinary actions against rabbis.

"We cannot have a situation in which a rabbi who receives a salary from the Chief Rabbinate refuses to accept the decisions of that same Chief Rabbinate," said Ulman.


  1. We cannot have a situation in which a rabbi who receives a salary from the Chief Rabbinate refuses to accept the decisions of that same Chief Rabbinate," said Ulmann

    A big chiddush, if they do not like what their employer tells them to do they should get another job, otherwise it is Insubordination.

    Is he one of Tropper’s puppies who signed during the anti rav Drukman hatefest in Jerusalem last June that they would not accept any Religious Zionist conversion (Nativ, etc).

  2. Queens Vaad / Ohel reportNovember 19, 2009 at 9:56 PM

    Rav Eidensohn, what happened to the posts?

    There was documentation provided and the article from Handler was printed in a frum magazine with the haskoma of rabbonim.

  3. Queens Vaad / Ohel report said...

    Rav Eidensohn, what happened to the posts?

    There was documentation provided and the article from Handler was printed in a frum magazine with the haskoma of rabbonim.
    1) you inserted it into a post which had absolutely nothing to do with it

    2) I am not sure what the relevance is publishing it - it seems to be old news

    3) If it is relevant than it needs to be done as a separate post

    4) I could not understand what was going on - and I could not find anyone who wrote about the issues.

    In sum - you sent in a series of posts on a scandal involving a cemetery which was unconnected to any thing which had been posted up until now. I need a context and a justification for publishing it.

    I am not interested in publishing about every dispute or wrong doing - It needs to serve some purpose.

    Perhaps you could send me a private email explaining why this item is important

  4. Tropper is going to do backflips when he finds out about this.

    In an address to the general session of the event, Mr. Guma Aguiar, energy industrialist and owner of the Beitar Jerusalem football team, spoke about the life-altering effect Chabad's work had on him. Raised without any Jewish observance, Aguiar did not know that he was Jewish until he was 26 years old.

    A chance encounter with Rabbi Moshe Meir Lipszyc of Ft. Lauderdale, led Aguiar to deepen his spiritual connections. Aguiar has since become an active philanthropist supporting Jewish outreach in Israel and the Diaspora. Mr. Aguiar says he draw inspiration from the Shluchim he so admires.

    “It is our duty to reach out on all levels," he said. "From the community to the individual, we must bring the message and the legacy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to fruition."

    In his concluding remarks to the session, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, the educational division of Chabad-Lubavitch, noted the power of the partnerships forged between Chabad representatives and the lay leaders.


    Yeshiva World's Eckstein publishes this Tropper press release just like anything else that Lubinsky passes along to him.

    In what has got to be the biggest joke yet, Tropper tries to pass off Lakewood's Meir Hertz as some big posek who graced EJF with his attendance. Hertz is not even a rov. He is a political hack who has headed the Lakewood HUD office among other things.

    Two things on the conference agenda were the ultimate Tropper fantasy (next to being machshir goyim) of being mevatel gerus and giyur lechurmah for all kinds of gerim who EJF didn't get their claws on.


    Is this an old picture that Tropper provided to create the false impression that R' Dovid Feinstein still attends EJF meetings?


    It appears that a compromise has been reached in the Intel fiasco and Intel has agreed to hire only non Jewish workers in their plant on shabbos, a plant that has been operating on shabbos for the last 24 years. Problem solved, no chillul shabbos, all are happy. Right? WRONG! This compromise is not good enough for the head of the Eidah Hacharedus, Rav Tuvia Weiss. Not only has he sent his thugs out to protest and will continue to do so, but now, according to a report on Yeshiva World, he is trying to bring pressure to Intel in America by requesting that the Undsdorfer Rebbe use his "influence" in the United States to meet with Intel execs in California to have them close the plant totally on shabbos. He said that until a compromise of "his liking" is reached he will continue with his antics by sending his thugs out to protest. This guy cannot be serious, on so many levels. First off he is greatly mistaken if he thinks some rebbe can just walk into the world headquarters over at Intel and request a meeting to make demands, they will laugh the guy out (then people like R' Pinkey Lipschutz and others wonder why charedim are painted in the media as being out of touch with reality) . Second if Intel has in good faith come to the table and compromised a deal which acceptable, what will the Eidah demand next of Intel (and by extension any company wishing to open in Israel)? Separate work areas for men and woman? Dress codes?

    But this time there is a twist to the story. The Jerusalem Post is reporting that not only has Rav Elyashiv signed onto the deal but his kanoim are even considering sending people to protest in front of Rabbi Weiss' house. This could get interesting. Who will those who have been screaming that this is about companies not being open on shabbos now support? Will they stand by their principals and continue to protest because of the precedent that this may set, as they said, or will they now listen to their Gadol Hador Rav Elyashiv and not only stop protesting Intel but protest in front of Rabbi Weiss' house? What I would give to be in Israel this shabbos (for so many reasons), I am sure that if this takes place it will be a site to be seen. Who will throw the first punch?

    As a charedi friend of mine pointed out to me last night, at a time when companies around the world are divesting itself from Israel and boycotting their products, is protesting a company that employs 6500 Israelis, including charedim, really the right thing to do? At what point do they walk outside their little worlds and see how our actions effect Jews not only in Israel but around the world? What kind of a message does this send to other companies that are interested in investing and doing business in Israel? As one commenter on VIN put it :"Intel has gone as far as it can go without shutting down the plant--which is really what the chareidi[m] want. They live in mortal fear that real job opportunities will be available to their bochurim who might, chas vachalilah go out and get a parnassah. As long as there are no jobs, they can continue sending their rabbonim to JFK every motzi shabbos for a week to beg money for their kehillah who are starving and lack sufficient funds to attend next week's demonstration. It is more important to keep these jobs and expand productive opportunities in EY than it is to capitulate to these absurd shabbos demands which even Rav Elyashiv has said are no longer an issue once the workers are all goyim."

  8. Luis Fernando Lopez,November 20, 2009 at 8:43 PM

    "...Two things on the conference agenda were the ultimate Tropper fantasy (next to being machshir goyim) of being mevatel gerus and giyur lechurmah for all kinds of gerim who EJF didn't get their claws on. "

    Not only geirim, Tropper asks for giur lechumra for many of the weirdos who attend Kol Yaakov, Tropper apparently thinks that anyone who is not haredi his sofek goy.

  9. Can anyone verify that Tropper is really asking eccentric students in his yeshiva to undergo giyur or is this a joke?

    He really has no right to do this to baalei teshuva if their yichus can be checked out.


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