Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eternal Jewish Family - funding

The following is information freely and readily obtainable on the internet. It was sent to me by an interested party.

Lillian Kaplan 2007-134077539-048af66a-9-2
Lillian Kaplan 2007-300127083-047134f5-F-1


  1. You should ask the person who uploaded these to also find and upload the returns for Horizons. That will show forth a lot of the truth or not as to whether the money was distributed to varying Rabbis.

    Though again it should be noted that under Federal law in the US a donor cannot stipulate how a charitable organization will use donated funds.

  2. Recipients and PublicityOctober 18, 2009 at 3:59 PM

    As they say, that was then this is now. These returns are from a time when Tom Kaplan was still working with his now alienated nephew. Tom was giving lots of money and the nephew was in the office and made sure to sign the returns and give his legal address. Read and see it for yourself please....

    The other issue of Rav Reuven Feinstein's words on tape, if Roni were allowed to express himself he would no doubt state that one can contradict what Rav Reuven Feinstein is supposedly saying on this tape with the fact that he always "showed up" and even spoke on video tape at the EJF conventions and supported them to the hilt by his "presence" over there never raising any known objections to either TRopper and EJF for six long years and now a measly little ambiguous tape shows up. It's sounds very suspicious. Note quite the proverbial damning Nixon tapes yet. It maybe is like a red herring to throw people off the track that he is still 100% in sync with Rabbi Tropper.

    simply bacause it is NOT on record anywhere Rav Reuven Feinstein ever objected to the fact that Tom Kaplan's nephew was heading and funding EJF while he was still married to someone who had not yet converted.

    So what we have here is that classical question:

    Will the REAL Rav Reuven Feinstein please stand up!

  3. note the donation of $2.2 million to the preservation of wild cats, from the LJK foundation in 2007, interesting priorites, seems strange that these guys at LJK woud really be interested in supporting such an instituion that advocates making a geirus that is valid even according to Rav Elyashiv! would think that they have other ideas of what is going on in the EJF!!??

  4. Rap Said:

    These returns are from a time when Tom Kaplan was still working with his now alienated nephew. Tom was giving lots of money and the nephew was in the office and made sure to sign the returns and give his legal address. Read and see it for yourself please....

    Aaron Said:

    Please read the the LJK return of 2007, they have $58M to their name $25M was donated by GA !! He has what to say.

    Note also Tropper has $7M in 2007 to play around with , this is obvioulsy his major power base, which other institution has this amouunt of money lying around. Note also the donate button on the EJF home page, who are they trying to fool. Money needs more money .....

  5. Recipients and PublicityOctober 19, 2009 at 2:37 AM

    "Aaron Said: Please read the the LJK return of 2007, they have $58M to their name $25M was donated by GA !! He has what to say.

    Note also Tropper has $7M in 2007 to play around with"

    Ok, no problem. I guess I scrolled too quickly.


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