Thursday, September 10, 2009

Miss Muslim Moral Beauty Pageant in Saudi Arabia


  1. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 11, 2009 at 12:16 PM

    So what's the big deal when right from the USA's White House and its site, Barack Hussein Obama recently broadcast a President Obama Gives Ramadan Message (YouTube, 5 minutes clip).

    After all, Barack Hussein Obama did this: Obama Bows to the King of Saudi Arabia. His Lord and Master? But Not to Queen Elizabeth II (YouTube, 3 minute video).

    And here's his classic speech in Cairo: President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt (YouTube, 56 minutes) in which he vowed to protect the rights of Muslim women to wear head coverings when no one had a doubt that it was a problem in the USA where ethnicities wear what they want at almost all times.

    Saudi Arabia owes the Jewish people reparations for all the Jewish property and lives they robbed by force, including Muhamed himself who led the charge.

  2. Actually I view the idea as positive. In fact a friend of mine is working on a program of midos with a similar approach.

    Beauty and its opposite are often understood as a referring to the personality or spiritual dimension.

  3. Actually I view the idea as positive. In fact a friend of mine is working on a program of midos with a similar approach.

    Beauty and its opposite are often understood as a referring to the personality or spiritual dimension.

    I hear what you are saying, but the extreme "me too-ism" is really too much!
    It's looks so much like a typical SNL skit, I could have sworn it was a spoof!!

  4. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 11, 2009 at 12:53 PM

    Oh yes, let's see now what these great "teachers" of "midos" (beheaders and butchers one and all by now as Islamofascism infests their minds and bodies) are gonna teach, especially since today is Sept 11 the secular 8th memorial of what has become known by the euphemism of 9/11 2001 that was the day that Saudi Wahabi-inspired crazed fanatics, the same ones who want to impose the dress codes that women wear in Saudi Arabia, on the rest of the world, by force and fear.

    Even Yeshiva World has posts today at AUDIO OF HATZOLAH RADIO & VIDEO: EIGHT YEARS SINCE 9/11 (September 11, 2009) and YWN even posts a famous graphic horrific 26 minute video of the towers burning and collapsing: Video of attacks on the Twin Towers so "enjoy" these great teachers of tznius as they bring about the next Holocaust, with 9/11 as a bitter foretaste of what they have in mind.

    Conclusion: Just as it is 100% assur to believe in their deity and to approach the God-head in the manner of the Mohamedans, likewise it is 100% forbidden to learn anything from them, including what may seem like "examples" that emulate or may serve Judaism's. The Yam HaTorah is big and deep enough and we needn't learn from cut-throat murderers.

    I am really surprised to have to say this here.

  5. RaP I am really surprised by your rant against our Muslim cousins.

    As you are well aware we have readers of the blog from Muslim countries who want to know whether the image of racist Jews & Israelis is true. There are a number of Christian readers who have mixed feelings regarding Jews and Israelis.

    You are well aware of the concept of the Righteous of the World. There is no need to criticize anyone merely on the basis of religious affiliation.

    Stereotyping is not appropriate.

    There is a well known halachic concept of aivah which all Jews in Galus need remember - especially after the founding of the state of Israel.

  6. This reminds me of an episode of Arrested Development in which a fundamentalist church put on an "Inner Beauty Contest". Good episode, lots of laughs.

  7. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 13, 2009 at 8:24 AM

    "There is a well known halachic concept of aivah which all Jews in Galus need remember - especially after the founding of the state of Israel."

    Israel and most Jews are not afraid of their enemies. This is 2009 and NOT 1939!

    Historically speaking, it would seem that the State of Israel and its ingathering of Jews in the Exile is the greatest thing that has happened to the Jewish People since it Judea was destroyed by the Romans 2,000 years ago, especially now that the State of Israel is home to over half of the world's Jews where they once again flourish and grow as a people like never before.

    See the latest English YATED in it's last pages that carries a detailed report how Israel has become the world's leading center of brain power, technology and management of global finance.

    Soon Israel will turn its attention, as in the example of defeated Nazi Germany and the fall of the USSR and Communism, to getting maximum reparations and restitution for lands, property, human suffering and loss of lives that they suffered at the hands of almost all Arab states.

    There is no need for apologetics or concerns.

    The Jews' so-called "cousins" are still intent on murdering the "Yahoods" and they will be dealt with accordingly by Israel's security servives in good time, and they know it, so no need to run from reality and facts.

  8. I concur with Daas Torah (although have reservations over the "cousins" terminology.)

  9. Cousin by definition is a relative with whom one shares a common ancestor.

    Avraham Avinu is the common ancestor that Jews share with approximately 375 million Arabs.

    There have been DNA studies which have conclued that Arabs in the region do indeed share common ancestry with Jewish Kohanim.

    Arabs and Jews are both Semites by ethnicity, a sub group of the Afro-Asiatic peoples; Semites practice the Muslim, Christian and Jewish religions.

    My daughters read about the beauty pageant and lamented that there is nothing like this in the Jewish world.

    We are supposed to be a "light unto the nations" and yet in Saudi Arabia Muslim girls are being awarded for honoring their parents while our daughters are starving themselves Hollywood thin, bleaching and straightening their hair and spending thousands of dollars on clothing to impress potential shidduchim.

  10. With that definition of "cousin", the Bnei Eisev are closer cousins to us than the Bnei Yishmoel. So we then have both Christian and Islamic "cousins."

    And why even stop with Eisev and Yishmoel? You can go back to Adam and Chava.

  11. "There have been DNA studies which have conclued that Arabs in the region do indeed share common ancestry with Jewish Kohanim. "

    Why wouldn't they? Unless you really thought we came from Europe originally.... Why would anyone need dna tests to prove something like that? We come from the middle east, so naturally, we will have characteristics of middle easterners, including racial and appearance-wise, no matter how diluted they might be (less diluted for those who remained in ME longer). If you remember, most Europeans (invariably antisemites in those days) considered Jews "not white" because well.... we didn't look exactly white like they did... because we came from somewhere else.

    The fact remains that it is ridiculous to call Arabs our "cousins" or brothers or anything else. The Romans were sons of Esav, and Italians are our special cousins? Come on now.

    Drop the PC act. Saudi Muslim theology was responsible for 9/11. That is incontrovertible FACT. If those are the "fruits" of modern Islam, for us to pretend that we love Muslims as 'fellow peaceloving monotheist practicioners' would be a chillul Hashem and a disgrace. And just dishonest.

    The Muslim ideology is the #1 reason for jihad against the state of Israel, Israelis, Jews by muslim fakestinians. Even Benny Morris has admitted this that JIHAD on the part of arab so-called "palestinian" so-called nationalism underlies the entire problem. To pretend that we love the practicioners of Arafat's y's religion is a lie. You, good rabbi, are against distortions in "kiruv." Well, all the more so you should be against flat-out lies to non-Jews, Muslims included. Don't insult and patronize our Muslim visitors here.

    No, we're not "racist" orthodox Jews because as any Muslim will be the first one to tell you, Islam has "nothing to do with race," and "anyone can be a Muslim." Yes, then how can it be racism to point out the rotten "fruits" of modern Islam in Israel and in Manhattan?


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