Sunday, September 6, 2009

Intermarriage & racism/ Ask Moses


  1. Tip of the hat. They do great work and are inspiring. Shkoach.

  2. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 6, 2009 at 9:14 AM

    For the record:

    The successful "Ask Moses" site (an "ask the rabbi" type of site) is a 100% Chabad-Lubavitch created, owned, manned and run website. It is based on the Israeli-invented ICQ instant messaging system. It is very popular.

    The animated cartoon figure looks a lot like it has elements of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe incoporated into it. Lubavitchers have adopted a new "minhag" of viewing old videos of the last lubavitcher Rebber as part of motzei Shabbos activities to keep his memory alive.

    Obviously they miss "Matisyahu" the successful reggae-rap singer they mekareved a few years ago but who has subsequently left them (they also tried to stop him from performing in front of mixed audiences, which he refused) and he now performs independently, but they are still trying to tap into the popularity of reggae-rap music.

    There is nothing sinister in any of this and they are as usual ahead of the curve when it comes to innovating in kiruv techniques.

  3. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 6, 2009 at 9:14 AM

    For the record:

    The successful "Ask Moses" site (an "ask the rabbi" type of site) is a 100% Chabad-Lubavitch created, owned, manned and run website. It is based on the Israeli-invented ICQ instant messaging system. It is very popular.

    The animated cartoon figure looks a lot like it has elements of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe incoporated into it. Lubavitchers have adopted a new "minhag" of viewing old videos of the last lubavitcher Rebber as part of motzei Shabbos activities to keep his memory alive.

    Obviously they miss "Matisyahu" the successful reggae-rap singer they mekareved a few years ago but who has subsequently left them (they also tried to stop him from performing in front of mixed audiences, which he refused) and he now performs independently, but they are still trying to tap into the popularity of reggae-rap music.

    There is nothing sinister in any of this and they are as usual ahead of the curve when it comes to innovating in kiruv techniques.

  4. Matisyahu is very good.

    Have you heard Y-Love?


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