Monday, July 13, 2009

Supreme court slams acquital of forgiven yeshiva student

Jpost JPost2

The Supreme Court on Monday harshly criticized Jerusalem District Court judge Moshe Drori for his decision not to convict a yeshiva student who ran over Ethiopian-Israeli parking lot cashier Noga Zoarish. The decision was apparently made in order not to harm the man's chances of being appointed as a judge in the rabbinic courts.

"This is a very severe incident. I read the district court decision and did not understand how the yeshiva student was not convicted, it is inconceivable," Justice Edmund Levy said.

Levy also questioned the sincerity of the perpetrator's remorse and public apology to Zoarish, which was one of the grounds for Drori's acquittal, pondering why he expressed no such sentiments while being interrogated by police.

"He was involved in such a severe incident and expressed no remorse. That should also be taken into account when one decides to pave the way for him becoming a rabbinic judge," Levy said.

Levy backed the prosecution's request to remove the gag order on publishing the man's name. "It's unacceptable that he be treated favorably just because he could potentially be appointed as a rabbinic judge. Why does he need to remain anonymous?" he said.

The State Prosecution launched an appeal against the acquittal Monday, and during the court session, Zoarish burst into tears.

"He asked me for forgiveness in court, and I forgave him," she said, referring to the Jerusalem District Court hearing during which the student was acquitted. "But his apology wasn't genuine."[...]


  1. Should he be a dayan?July 13, 2009 at 7:39 PM

    I find this very troubling. Let's say he requested mechilah and it was given. The man is video taped in an act of stealing from the parking lot. He then went on to initially deny wrongdoing. He failed morally in a difficult time. Is this what a dayan is supposed to be like?

  2. Oy. This is an absolutely horrendous chilul Hashem on so many levels.

  3. My vote is NO for Dayanship.

  4. The man is video taped in an act of stealing from the parking lot.

    Not only that he dragged her with his car for 15 meters and denied doing it until confronted by the video camera.

    As the chevre in FM and VIN say, that prepares him to be a good dayan (sory mekubal) :-)

  5. All I can say is that this is absolutely infuriating. As a B"T studying Dayanut, I have had every Rabbi tell me at some point, that I have a little less than 0 chance of ever attaining an appointment as a dayan here in Israel, no matter how well I do. The reason for this, my parents decided to frei out when I was six.

    However, apparently if I were frum all my life, and decided to run someone over and steal from a supermarket... I would still be considered...

    No wonder Klal Yisrael is in so much trouble.

  6. As far as I understood from this source,
    the dayan candidate had the victim's Giur revoked as a vengence. (I don't know how this was proven true).

    So probably, if he had just shut up and done nothing, the supreme court had not revoked the judgement.

    So not only is he dishonest, not only is he ready to severely wound a woman who stands in his way (which he actually did), but he also is arrogant and revengeful.

    Are those the midos we need in a Dayan?

  7. @mekubal:
    Is there no possibility of being a Dayan in less chareidi circles?

    After some things I saw, I do not believe any more that is very desirable for a honest, religious person to become chareidi. I think it is better to stay out of this swamp and live honest religiosity for yourself/in more normal circles.

    (If you want to know what I talk about, take a look at Vosizneias: for every criminal act you will find someone in the comments who says that it is not that bad or actually permitted according to halacha)

  8. shoshi said...

    As far as I understood from this source,
    the dayan candidate had the victim's Giur revoked as a vengence. (I don't know how this was proven true).
    Such an allegation was made in initial articles and then dropped. No evidence has been presented that this is true.

    I only published this comment to say that this assertion is simply slander without any evidence.

  9. shoshi has left a new comment on your post "Supreme court slams acquital of forgiven yeshiva s...":

    Here are more details about the case

  10. At least Jonathan Rosenblum did not pull a Miriam Shear one, blaming the cashier for standing in front of car, getting dragged by the car and being impolite to the student.

    And why the predator name is withheld while the victim name is being published ?

  11. And why the predator name is withheld while the victim name is being published ?
    actually the video associated with the second JPost link not only has his name but also shows his face - even though the article said that it was prohibited to publish his name

  12. Rabbanut dayanim begin at 40000 ns. It is all protectia.his father is close to shas. He also was caught shoplifting.


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