Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rabbinate converts 60 active missionaries

Arutz Sheva

The Chief Rabbinate has been given a list of more than 60 recent converts to Judaism who continue to believe in Jesus – and are active missionaries.

Rabbi Shalom Dov Lifshitz, chairman and founder of the anti-missionary and anti-assimilation Yad L’Achim organization, met in recent days with Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar and provided him with the list. Rabbi Amar was reportedly “shocked” at seeing that the Chief Rabbinate had authorized the conversions

An immediate solution was found for the future, however. Rabbi Lifshitz presented Rabbi Amar with a list of 17 questions that should be asked of any prospective convert. Under the assumption that the missionaries will either not lie straight out, or that the specific questions will help detect the lies, it is hoped that missionaries will be spotted and weeded out from the conversion rolls.

Yad L’Achim had prepared the list of names, ID numbers and addresses of more than 60 people who were active in missionary groups before, during and after their long conversion process to Judaism. The "converts" were then accepted as members of religious communities, and their children were accepted into religious schools. [...]


  1. Kol Hakavod to Yad L'Achim! They have been doing a great job since 1950.

    However, I am sure that these 60 are only the "tip of the iceberg".

    I believe that there are thousands of Christian missionaries who have "converted" to Judaism (or who just pretend to) in order to missionize to Jews.

  2. http://machonshilo.org/en/eng/audio-shiurim

    Check this out !! Rabbi David Bar Hayim talks about child abuse !!

    Rabbinic Paralysis re: Child Abuse !!

  3. Recipients and PublicityJuly 8, 2009 at 10:59 PM

    I agree fully with Jersey Girl.

    The missionary problem in Isreal is not being dealt with and a lot of it has to do with the ignorance, nonchalance and apathy of all Israelis (secular and religious) and the fear by the Israeli government of the day of taking on Christian groups whose support they claim they need politically in the USA as grassroots Israel-supporters, who are usually more fervent pro-Zionists for sure than the tepid US secularized and by now mostly intermarried liberal Jews in the USA.

  4. Recipients and PublicityJuly 8, 2009 at 11:05 PM

    Conversion Wars articles.

    Some important recent articles of note:

    1) Religious Zionists war against Haredim on Conversions: Zionist rabbis break law for converts(jpost.com): This is a really important article that covers the situation from the perspectives of the Haredim to the Religious Zionists in Israel, including mentioning EJF and responses to it. It is truly a Conversions War.

    2) New rules have Diaspora converts waiting on Israel (jta.org)

    3) Rabbi offers unorthodox solution to civil marriage debate (Haaretz.com)

  5. Malach HaMovies said...


    Check this out !! Rabbi David Bar Hayim talks about child abuse !!

    Rabbinic Paralysis re: Child Abuse !!
    A very disappointing discussion seemingly unaware of the literature and apparently just concerned with bashing the system.

  6. "The missionary problem in Isreal is not being dealt with and a lot of it has to do with the ignorance, nonchalance and apathy of all Israelis (secular and religious)"

    I would not put blame on anyone.

    As Jews, we are not schooled in the deceptive tactics commonly employed by Christian missionaries in their efforts to get people to convert.

    The saying "the ends justify the means" is just not something that is part of Jewish thought.

    As soon as Jews would begin to think enough like Christians to understand their methodology, it would seriously undermine our belief system.

    Christian missionaries are a demon we cannot fight. We need to simply separate from it. This is why our Rabbis have issued a ban on participating in "interfaith" activities.

  7. Most Rabbis dealing with issues of conversion are not equipt to deal with the missionary scheming of going under the "halakhic" radar and do succeed in converting. Unless they slip up and confess that they are followers of Y. As part of the curriculum most Rabbis ought to include an element specifically as to why we Jews dont believe in Y. The problem however, is they have learned very well from there Messianist counterpart from the separatist group of Chabad. One such group no longer call Y as the son of G-d, nor do they refer to him as Borainu. Merely as there Rebbe Yaske. Asked directly if they believe in J or in Yeshu, they will easily deny it, for by them it is not the same person they believe in. Similar to the case of a candidate that wanted to convert but believed adamnantly that the Lubavitch Rebbe is the Mashiach. Likewise, these have come to use the same schtick as you can say. Since on halakhic grounds Mashiach has not come, to say he has, when the facts on the ground is he has not would definitely be repeating the error of the Netzerim mistake and warning given in Sanh 98a,b


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