Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rabbi Tropper apologizes!

I wish to thank Roni for the following:

Rav Sternbuch on the EJF

Posted by Posted in EJF Posted on 11-07-2009

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Rabbi Tropper:

Is it true that your blog claimed that Rav Sternbuch told someone that he was against nasty attacks on EJF?

Rabbi Tropper responds:

I was so told. Subseqently someone emailed me that what I reported on the blog was not true and that Rav Sternbuch had not spoken to anyone regarding the attacks on EJF. I thanked him for notifying me and told him That I would correct it ASAP.

That Person Emailed me again thanking me.

I then Removed it from the Blog immediatly and notified that person that it had been corrected.

I apologize for the mistake.


  1. Now, let's see you APOLOGIZE for at least one defamation and LIE.

    you stated that the mishpcha article claimed that RT prosetyzzes in Mexici CIty. The artcile NEVE SAID IN PLAIN ENGLISH.

    Can you apologize or not?

  2. Roni who are you addressing? Are you still insisting that I have seven different names?

    I didn't write the original article in Mishpacha nor did I write the analysis.

    If RaP feels that he read too much into the article - he is free to acknowledge that.

    I don't see this as any different than R' Tropper insisting that I claimed that the Abarbanel only requires a ger to accept the 13 principles of faith. This understanding is nowhere to be found in plain English in my book.

    If you want to be more careful in your insults and slander against me and other posters here - I will be happy to lower the level of insults against what you say.

    If R' Tropper wants to provide refutations of anything stated here - I will readily post it.

    The bottom line is that R' Tropper is running an organization that has a serious impact on the nature of yiddishkeit - and at the same time the literature he has published does not correspond to what he is doing.

  3. Roni,

    If it makes you happy I will say that I was mistaken in thinking that Mishpacha article stated that R' Tropper was involved in outreach in Mexico.

    Mea Culpa, guilty as charged, I was wrong.

    I skimmed the article and confused commentary with statement. It appears, from that article that R' Tropper is only involved in helping those who are already converts in Mexico, which is a mitzvah by every account.

  4. Mea Culpa, guilty as charged, I was wrong.

    I skimmed the article and confused commentary with statement. It appears, from that article that R' Tropper is only involved in helping those who are already converts in Mexico, which is a mitzvah by every account.


    Yasher Koach!

  5. "didn't write the original article in Mishpacha nor did I write the analysis".

    Roni: you were the first one to point fingers at the article's pointing at tropper in mexico xity and you made a comment that this relates to "factory gerut". I never saw a retraction of that comment (let alone a stop at follow up comments by others that were false and malicious. A blog owner may have a halachik responsibility not to allow writers to maliciously write against others. A blog owner may be more respoonsible than others for he is the vehicle of the loshon horah and is over on lifney iver and hachasholas averah on a greater level.

    "The bottom line is that R' Tropper is running an organization that has a serious impact on the nature of yiddishkeit - and at the same time the literature he has published does not correspond to what he is doing.'

    Roni: that still does not allow a free for all and lynching mob against a person to level at him false accuations. A owner of blog has a strong responsiblity al pi halacha not to allow comments that are clearly loshon horoh and sheker to stand even when repeated by others.

  6. Dt/M

    In the spirit of the three weeks, I also take this opportubity to apologize to you when I spoke in harsher tone and defamed you,

    While I strongly disagree with you over your positions and mode of operation I acknowledge that you may be writing out of a certain perspective tha stems leshem shomayim. Thereore I urge you to start to write these differences from such a perspective and not to defame RT and his organization the way you do, for they are working leshem shomayim as well!

    Maybe the opposite paths that work leshem shamayim will ultimately meet!


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.