Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rescue of Yemenite Jews

Haaretz reports

A small group of Yemenite Jews arrived in Israel on Thursday in a covert operation carried out by the Jewish Agency.

The Agency's Spokesman Michael Jankelowitz refused to say how the 10 people were rescued, citing security concerns, but said they had been threatened by al-Qaida.

The Ben Yisrael family was extricated from the city of Raida, after suffering from anti-Semitic attacks and repeated death threats.

A few weeks ago, a grenade was thrown into the courtyard of the family's home in Raida, possibly by al Qaida-affiliated extremists.

Said Ben Yisrael, who heads the Raida Jewish community, and his family are due to take up Israeli citizenship upon their arrival. They will be taken to Beit Shemesh, accompanied by a Jewish Agency team.

There are approximately 280 Jews left today In Yemen, 230 of whom live in Raida in the Omran province, and another 50 Jews live in the capital city of Sana'a.[...]


  1. Baruch Hashem!

    Kol Hakavod to the Yemenite Jewish Federation in Israel and NY.

    We should only continue to hear good news.

  2. Great rescue, have they confided if additional families will be brought to Israel? Remaining in Yemen is slowly hitting the nails into the coffin.

  3. B'ezrat Hashem, I will forward news releases as I get from the Yemenite Jewish Federation.

    Meanwhile, we pray for the safety of Jews all over the world.


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