Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rabbi Triebitz - Development of Talmud

I would like to recommend - for the serious students - Rabbi Triebitz' website Especially of interest is his speculation on the development of the Talmud.


  1. Just looking through his shiurim on Gemmarra it is definitely racey stuff. I can think of more than one Yeshiva that I would have been thrown out of if I even suggested the remotest possibility of some of the things he says.

    Thanks for the link. It should be interesting.

  2. Gives a new meaning to hashkofa

  3. Who is Rabbi Triebetz? Where did he learn and which Gedolim does he have haskamos from?

  4. "which Gedolim does he have haskamos from?"

    I'm not sure what you mean, tzoorba.

    There is a common practice for sefarim to be published with haskamot, although they certainly don't require them (see Igerot Moshe, among others)

    The only people I've ever seen carrying around haskamot are beggars.

    R. Triebetz is not a beggar. He is a teacher of Torah. So you're question seems a bit out of place.

  5. Sorry, should be "your" not "you're"

  6. Seems like he teaches at Machon Shlomo/Machon Yaakov, which is a very mainstream Yeshivish/Black Hat yeshiva for baalei teshuva.

  7. Based on the Rabbis that I personally know from that list. I have much greater respect for the man and his thoughts.

  8. Rabbi Triebitz is a very good friend - he also wrote the introduction to my Daas Torah.

    While some of his ideas are speculation - there is nothing problematic from the point of frumkeit

    He teaches at Machon Shlomo as well as the Moreshet program for Neve Yerushalayim and he is also my son's rosh kollel.

    He is also very close with Rav Sternbuch - though they don't discuss these issues.

  9. Dov said,

    @tzoorba "which Gedolim does he have haskamos from?"

    "I'm not sure what you mean, tzoorba."

    "The only people I've ever seen carrying around haskamot are beggars."

    This statement makes no sense. Many of the greatest seforim, especially in modern times, get Haskamos from Gedolei Torah.

    "R. Triebetz is not a beggar. He is a teacher of Torah. So you're question seems a bit out of place."

    He is taking on a very controversial topic which may border upon apikursos if not dealt with properly. Before I spend my time reviewing his thoughts, I would like to be assured that he has a proper Torah hashkofo.

    Jumping in and reading is contrary to mikol mishmor nitzor libecha.

  10. tzoorba, your comments are getting stranger and stranger.

    If you read my first post, you'll see that I specifically made the chilluk between people and books - so I'm not sure why you respond to me with a raya from books.

    And besides, whatever happened to chezkat kashrut?

    And even more than that, do you really think the owner of this blog would seek to lead you off the Torah derech with apikoshisha links??

  11. Rabbi Triebitz gives the highest shiur at Machon Shlomo for 27 years in addition he is a rosh kollel of two kollels in Jerusalem which learn through shas according to halacha in addition he teaches at Moreshet Institute in Neve Yerushalayim for 13 years.

    Rabbi Triebitz must recently learned 6 years in Yeshivas Beis Yosef in Boro Park and has semicha from the rosh yeshiva HaGaon Rav Yaakov Yaffen zt"l. In addition he is closely associated with HaGaon Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita, and serves as a recognized posek and receives shailos from around the world.

    He is married to the daughter of HaRav Nosson Kaminetsky and lives in Har Nof.

  12. Thank you Daas Torah for your clarification of Rabbi Triebitz's status.

    As time goes on, I become more and more confident in the things that you post.

    To be honest, your opinion that baalei bechira can pretty much do whatever they want to others and that this is the opinion of rov Rishonim, is far from what I have seen and have learned about this particular issue. This has caused me to be somewhat wary about some of the sources that you offer for Hashkofa.


    Why did you bring up the point about haskamos in books at all in the context of my questions? It was in reply to my seeking a "haskama" on the Haskafa of Rabbi Triebitz and you made the original connection between people and books. A haskoma isn't necessarily limited to some preface at the beginning of a sefer but rather it is an endorsement of the validity of the Torah hashkofa of a person.

    How does chezkas kashrus apply to Rabbi Triebitz if he is just a name to me? There are plenty of poeple who are even ehrlich and well intentioned who write seforim or give lectures that are off the mark for one reason or another.

    A person can be damaged in their emuna and hashkofa by hearing twisted opinions that are not correct. It is a perfectly valid exercise to try to determine the source of this type of information before delving into it.

  13. tzoorba said...

    To be honest, your opinion that baalei bechira can pretty much do whatever they want to others and that this is the opinion of rov Rishonim, is far from what I have seen and have learned about this particular issue. This has caused me to be somewhat wary about some of the sources that you offer for Hashkofa.
    I am surprised that if you don't believe what I said that you don't challenge it?


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