Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Palestinian protest in Florida - Call for ovens for Jews

Fox News:

[...] Most of the chants were run-of-the-mill; men and women waving Palestinian flags called Israel's invasion of Gaza a "crime," while the pro-Israel group carried signs calling the Hamas-run territory a "terror state."

But as the protest continued and crowds grew, one woman in a hijab began to shout curses and slurs that shocked Jewish activists in the city, which has a sizable Jewish population.

"Go back to the oven," she shouted, calling for the counter-protesters to die in the manner that the Nazis used to exterminate Jews during the Holocaust.

"You need a big oven, that's what you need," she yelled. [...]


  1. I live in South Florida and do not believe this is an opinion held by too many Palestinian supporters.

    Those who I have spoken with in my random street encounters have all clearly understood that there is a difference between Israel and Judaism.

    I think it's noteworthy that although the protest was fully videotaped, the only remark of this nature was this one remark made by one person clearly in the heat of the moment. It's not like those around her joined in.

    However, amongst the Christians I have encountered, there are many who would share her view. I'm much more concerned about local Christians than local Muslims.

  2. I resent that this protest is being billed as a Muslim or Arab protest. It is NOT.

    The protest was organized by ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). ANSWER's steering committee includes IFCO/Pastors for Peace, Free Palestine Alliance,
    Haiti Support Network, Partnership for Civil Justice - Nicaragua Network, Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines
    and the Mexico Solidarity Network.

    ANSWER's steering committee consists of organizations from the Filipino, Haitian, and Latin American communities.

    ANSWER has faced criticism for its affiliations, its tactics at demonstrations, and for its Anti semitic sentiments expressed by demonstrators at its protests.

    The Anti-Defamation League has accused ANSWER of supporting organizations characterized as terrorist in Latin America as well as Hamas and Hezballah.

    According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency "Several anti-war protests in San Francisco organized by the ANSWER Coalition featured anti-Semitic imagery and slogans including the burning of the Israeli flag and chants of support for Hezbollah as well as Nazi slogans and salutes".

    Similarly, the Stephen Roth Institute has noted "Anti-semitic content has marked ANSWER events."

    ANSWER's South Florida protest was organized and led by ANSWER's State Coordinator Emmanuel Lopez who admitted to Fox News reporter, Joseph Abrams "that there is a problem with anti-Semitism within his organization's ranks".

    Any woman can put on a hijab and this does not mean she accurately represents Muslim beliefs anymore than Jack Abramoff in his Borsalino is representative of Chabad.

    ANSWER is not a Muslim or Arab organization and its members do not speak on behalf South Florida Muslims or Arabs (who shun ANSWER).

  3. What if it was discovered that all Palestinians were actually Israelis,or visa versa? Would that stop the war?

  4. A.N.S.W.E.R. was founded by former US Attorney General William Ramsey Clark.

    During Clark's career he provided legal counsel to several notable figures, including Nazi concentration camp commandant Karl Linnas, Nazi War criminal Jack Reimer, charged in the killings of Jews in Warsaw, Slobodan Milosevic
    and Saddam Hussein.

    ANSWER's Florida website lists the contact names for their rallies which are John Peter Daly 954-707-0155, Nicole Wend 954-242-9312 and Ray Del Papa 754- 423-0051.

    A quick background search on Nicole Wend reveals that she is a 26 year old woman living in Pompano Beach.

    One has to wonder if it is Nicole Wend, dressed up in hijab who is shouting Anti Semitic rants as it is highly unlikely that any woman (Muslim, Christian or Jewish) raised in a modest environment would behave so brazenly in front of a camera.

  5. "What if it was discovered that all Palestinians were actually Israelis,or visa versa? "

    Dr. Michael Hammer of University of Arizona, showed from an analysis of the male, or Y chromosome, that Jewish men from seven communities were related to one another and to present-day Palestinian and Syrian populations, but not to the men of their host communities.

    The finding suggested that Jewish men who founded the communities traced their lineage back to the ancestral Mideastern population of 4,000 years ago from which Arabs, Jews and other people are descended.

    "Would that stop the war?"

    G-d willing.

    Meanwhile, my husband can't get on an airplane because he looks like Nasrallah. Fortunately, he likes to drive.

  6. These people are disgusting. If I were anywhere near her, I would spit in her face.

  7. Disgusting they are indeed. But it they are Muslim or Arab.

    The rally was organized by a man named Emmanuel Lopez who along with being the South Florida coordinator for ANSWER is also a director of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

    Other organizers of the rally along with Lopez were John Peter Daly, Ray Del Papa and Nicole Wend.

    You can see a picture of Nicole Wend without the hijab on here

    As you can see, neither she or any of the other organizers of this rally are either Arabs or Muslims.

    I thought that inciting hate was a crime in this country. Why was Ms. Wend not arrested for her hate speech?

  8. Here she is again:

    A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: We’re not anti-semitic, we just hate all Jews, That’s basically what ANSWER spokesman Emmanuel Lopez said when asked about cries to send Jews back to the oven at a Fort Lauderdale protest he planned. A.N.S.W.E.R./Florida has regular meetings and events in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton

    Bill Warner
    Private Investigator
    WBI Inc Private Detective Agency
    Sarasota Fl

  9. Bill Warner from Florida is a pathological liar, an Islamophobe, and an anti-Semite. His distortions, exaggerations, fabrications, and bigotry are meticulously documented at
    Please visit before using Bill Warner as a source.


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