Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Livni - Israel not a monopoly of rabbis

JPost reports:

International acceptance of Israel's right to exist is not enough, the world must accept Israel as a Jewish state, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Wednesday to the thousands of Jewish American leaders who had come to Jerusalem for the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities.

"The world is willing to defend the right of the state of Israel to exist, this is the part of the requirement that the [Mideast] Quartet demands [of] Hamas. But I would like to add two more words to this demand of the quartet: They need to accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state," she said.

Livni went on to clarify that there were international leaders who support such a right, expressly mentioning US President George W. Bush.

Moving on to the Jewish nature of the state, Livni said, "It's not about learning Hebrew or about joining the army, it's about Jewish tradition, Jewish history… We need to keep the nature, the character of the state of Israel as a Jewish state because this is - excuse me for using the French - the raison d'etre of the state of Israel."

"A Jewish state is not a monopoly of rabbis, it's what each and everyone feels inside," she added.

Livni also announced that Israel would become the second country to boycott the so called "Durban II" conference to be held in Geneva the spring of 2009.

It followed Canada, which announced its decision in January of this year. "I decided that Israel will not participate and will not legitimize the Durban II conference," Livni said.

The foreign minister in February stated Israel's intention not to attend the follow up conference to the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance which met in Durban, South Africa.[...]

1 comment:

  1. Toungue in cheek can anyone imagaine if this article's subjects were reversed and jumbled up a bit, like so, (changes in upper-case):

    "Dei'ah veDibur reports:

    International acceptance of THE LAND OF Israel's right to exist is not enough, the world must accept Israel as a TORAH state, TORAH REBBETZINS said Wednesday to the thousands of NEBACH Jewish AM HAARATZIM American leaders TINOKOS SHENISHBU (SOME EVEN GOYIM, R"L) who had come to Jerusalem IR HAKODESH for the General Assembly of the United Jewish TORAH Communities.

    "The world is willing to defend the right of ERETZ YISROEL to exist, this is part of the requirement that the ANI MAAMINs demands THAT DEFY Hamas YIMACH SHEMAM VEZICHRAM. But THE REBBETZINS would like to add two more words to this demand of the quartet: They need to accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish TORAH HALACHIC state," THEY said.

    THE TORAH MINISTER went on to clarify that there were NO international leaders who support such a right, EXCLUDING OUTGOING US President George W. Bush.

    Moving on to the LACK OF Jewish TORAH nature of the PRESENT ERODING SECULAR state, ONE SMART MINISTER said, "It's not about learning ENGLISH or about joining A CULT, it's about TORAH UMITZVOT, Jewish history FROM ABRAHAM OUR FATHER UNTIL TODAY'S YESHIVAS AND CHASIDIM… We need to keep the TORAH nature, the TZENIUS character of ERETZ YISRAEL as a Jewish TORAH state because this is - excuse me for using the YIDDISH - the TACHLIS of the state of Israel that has still not reached the level of a TORAH NATION, LO ALEINU."

    "A Jewish TORAH state is not a GAME OF MONOPOLY, it's THE YIRAT SHAMAYIM AND EMUNATH each and everyone feels inside AS WE PERFORM THE 613 MITZVOT," they added AS THEY RECITED A KAPITEL OF TEHILIM.

    THE REBBETZINS WEARING NICE SHEITELS also announced that Eretz Israel would become the second country to boycott MIXED SWIMMING ON ISRAEL'S BEACHES to be held in TEL AVIV AND HAIFA STARTING NOW.

    It followed HAKADOSH BARUCH HU, WHO announced HIS decision in THE TORAH: KEDOSHIM TIHEYU AND AS EXPLAINED BY RASHI: PERUSHIM MIN HA'ARAYOT. "We decided that ERETZ YISROEL will not participate IN PERITZUS AND ZENUS AND will not legitimize the YETZER HORA conference," they said.


    Well, we can at least dream about the Yemos HaMashiach can't we...?

    Livni shmivni, she ain't gonna make it, people don't like Barak (the Israeli one, without the "c" in his "English" name), all the old Likudniks are coming back to buck up Netanyahu, now that Olmert is out, Sharon is brain dead and Mofaz has run away! So how on Earth does Livni hope to accomplish anything if she couldn't nail together a coalition when everyone was in the same room with her now?


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