Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Chabad - Rebbe & Chazon Ish & Tanya/Misunderstood

Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver's comment to "Chabad - Rav Schach/Disputing attack on him":
"R' Moshe saw the good in every Jew and Jewish path. The Rebbe HATED anyone who was did not learn Tanya. And this we know from what he wrote about the Chazon Ish even when the Rebbe was a relative kid."

Of all the distortions in this post, this one is the most objectionable. Referring to such a great ohev Yisroel as lacking in ahavas Yisroel is the most despicable chutzpah. To set the record straight and show with what ignorance you write, the Rebbe didn't write it, he said it. He said it when he was well into his 50's, not a "relative kid". And the Rebbe simply supported the statement of a Chosid that someone who hadn't learnt Tanya would feel that he missed out when reaching Gan Eden. That's all. Nothing about hate, ch"v, but rather love: revealing to us that even one very learned in halacha will feel that he missed out if he doesn't learn pnimiyus haTorah, and so we shouldn't neglect this study. Along these lines, the Ramak and R' Chaim Vital speak very sharply about those who neglect this study, although they were great Tzadikim and ohavei Yisroel.
Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver 's comment to "Chabad - Chasidim - not just Litvaks - are upset":
Also, to show how much anon. assumes about that which s/he is clearly ignorant, the Rebbe refers to Chidushei Rabeinu Chaim in Likutei Sichos vol. 29, p. 392, and vol. 26, p. 69.


  1. >>Referring to such a great ohev Yisroel as lacking in ahavas Yisroel is the most despicable chutzpah.

    We live today in an information age; where nearly everything is available. Unfortunately for those seeking to obfuscate reality, this is not a good thing. We who saw the video where the rebbe loses his temper and calls yeshivaleit the messengers of the Satan know full well the extent of the Rebbe's "love." I am sure he loved those who followed his commands, [edited]

    >>To set the record straight and show with what ignorance you write, the Rebbe didn't write it, he said it.

    [edited] You are setting the bar very high for yourself, you know. And I doubt you can live up to it.

    >>Nothing about hate, ch"v, but rather love: revealing to us that even one very learned in halacha will feel that he missed out if he doesn't learn pnimiyus haTorah, and so we shouldn't neglect this study.

    [edited] as the Tanya is one of the most profound and unique seforim published in literally hundreds of years. But to suggest that the talmudic dictum, ashrei mi she bo lkaan vitalmudo byodo includes Tanya only, and not any other sefer which teaches the pninius of Torah, such as, say, is a hateful statement. Supporting the comment of a virtual ignormaous on the Chason Ish being "jealous" of a little boy learning Tanya is demeaning. To bolster it with the assertion that only Tanya is the pnimius of Torah is so exclusionary [edited]

    >>Along these lines, the Ramak and R' Chaim Vital speak very sharply about those who neglect this study, although they were great Tzadikim and ohavei Yisroel.

    So does the Leshem, but that was not the Rebbe's point; nor was it that "chossid's." Learning the Ramak's works or those of R' Chaim Vital's is not enough in the Rebbe's [edited] view. According to the Rebbe, TANYA is the pnimius of Torah, and one who does not learn is jealous of little children who do.

    >>Also, to show how much anon. assumes about that which s/he is clearly ignorant, the Rebbe refers to Chidushei Rabeinu Chaim in Likutei Sichos vol. 29, p. 392, and vol. 26, p. 69.

    [edited] yet. Anon acknowledged that he did not get past three whole volumes of likuttei sichos. So that would
    explain why he did not see the Rebbe's quotation of R' Chaim. But his rather brilliant point still remains true. I can maintani that the works of the Brisker Rav are included in the same dictum and then justify the following statement: The Rebbe is jealous of me because I learn the Brisker Rav and he does not. Such a statement, as he noted, is impossibly innane. Yet the Rebbe supported the same notion.

    [edited] The CI was famously close to many chassidish greats, including the Tschebiner in particular. Therefore, contrary to the rebbe's [edited] suggestion, he was not "against" chassidus. He has absolutely NOTHING against the Tanya. And he was familiar with other works pertaining to pnimius hatorah.

    [edited] And I think you are doing yourself and the Rebbe a disservice with your [edited]simplifications of what really happened.

  2. Very well stated, Shlomie. Mr. Oliver, you are not getting anywhere with your ridiculous apologetics. The Rebbe was obviously maintained that you were not complete if you did not learn Tanya. Thats shows his intolerance. Case closed.


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