Monday, May 29, 2023

Rav Moshe Sternbuch - Kiruv for non-Jews


  1. insane, inhuman "expert opinion" - completely based on talmud, not on torah. "the child should distance himself from his parents" - in direct contradiction to what G-d commanded on Har Sinai - that mother and father must be honoured. That stands for all people, so don't bring the foolish retort that " this only applies to 'Jews' " - the western concept of morality is based upon the ten commandments.

  2. Anonymous said...

    insane, inhuman "expert opinion" - completely based on talmud, not on torah. "the child should distance himself from his parents" - in direct contradiction to what G-d commanded on Har Sinai - that mother and father must be honoured. That stands for all people, so don't bring the foolish retort that " this only applies to 'Jews' " - the western concept of morality is based upon the ten commandments.
    Have you ever considered learning about Torah Judaism rather than make uninformed pronouncements based on a home brew of the current popular "wisdom". You reject the Talmud but accept the Ten Commandments because it is the basis of western morality? In other words you accept secular and Christian understandings but reject Jewish ones?!

    It is rather odd that items on this blog - which is an expression of Orthodox Judaism - should be criticized for not being consistent with Reform and secular Jewish thought.

    If you would like to discuss the issue - rather than tell me what to believe - please conact.


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