Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Anti-torture judge removed from Duma appeal

The hearing on the appeal of Amiram Ben-Uliel, who was convicted in the "Duma arson case" and claims that his Shabak interrogators extracted a false confession from him through torture, was set by the Supreme Court for March 7.

At the same time, the court announced that Justice Neal Hendel, who is considered critical of the collection of confessions collected by improper means, was removed from the panel and will be replaced by Judge Yitzhak Amit. Therefore, the panel of judges who will hear the appeal will include Justices Yitzhak Amit, David Mintz and Yosef Elron.

‘Malicious poison’: GOP senator slams Biden's antisemitism envoy pick for criticizing his Jan. 6 rhetoric

In a March tweet, Lipstadt charged Johnson with engaging in “white supremacy/nationalism. Pure and simple.” She was referring to Johnson telling a radio host last year that he would have been more fearful of Black Lives Matter protesters rioting at the Capitol than the supporters of former President Donald Trump who did so on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump’s supporters “love this country … truly respect law enforcement, [and] would never do anything to break the law,” Johnson said. Scores of police officers were assaulted during the insurrection.

How the Right Learned to Love Saul Alinsky

For conservatives of any stripe to suddenly embrace protesters who blockade roads and deface monuments marks a dramatic flip for a movement that waxed apoplectic about BLM and Antifa demonstrations but now cheer as their team has started working from the occupation script. Republicans and other conservatives once defended the nation’s institutions reflexively. But for some of them, that fealty has gone to vapor. Your rank-and-file GOP member may not be trying on his riot uniform of football helmet, camo gear, and rollerblade knee-and-elbow guards in front of his bedroom mirror, but it’s easy to imagine potential recruits to this nascent movement visualizing themselves in full, violent grievance mode.

Sen. McConnell's 'Clear And Unambiguous' Rebuke Of January 6

Video of Mitch McConnell Calling Jan. 6 'Violent Insurrection' Viewed Over 2 Million Times

A clip of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell describing the January 6 attack as a "violent insurrection" and criticizing the Republican National Committee for censuring Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger has gone viral.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, McConnell dismissed the RNC's description of January 6 as "legitimate political discourse," which appeared in the resolution to censure the only two Republican lawmakers on the House Select Committee investigating the Capitol attack.

The Kentucky senator also suggested it was "not the job" of the RNC to decide which lawmakers should be supported in the GOP.

Two 'missing' girls were not kidnapped, their sister says

Two girls from a Gerrer hasidic family recently disappeared, reappeared, and then disappeared again - and police say that contrary to rumors, they have not been kidnapped.

According to Kikar Hashabbat, the two girls, daughters of the Sandik family of Bnei Brak, were claimed to be missing after their parents decided to leave the hasidic sect and join a different community. The site also cited a different rumor, which said that there was an attempt to take out a protective order for the girls, due to "violence" perpetrated against them by their father, but that a judge had denied the request.

Feds Arrest Capitol Rioter Who Allegedly Shouted ‘Let’s Go!’ While Fighting ‘the Commies’

The Justice Department announced the arrest of the latest Capitol rioter Tuesday: Eric Gerwatowski, 31, of New Hyde Park, New York. He’s been charged with civil disorder, disorderly conduct, entering and remaining on restricted grounds, and a host of other charges for his alleged participation in the riot. According to court documents, Gerwatowski pushed open doors that Capitol Police had forced closed and rallied other rioters to enter the building. “Let’s go,” he allegedly shouted, according to the criminal complaint. He also appeared in multiple videos outside of the Capitol building, allegedly telling one interviewer that he entered the Capitol because “the commies are trying to steal the country.” Gerwatowski is one of more than 725 people arrested for their role in the attack.

Trump Spokeswoman Says 2020 Fraud Claims Won't Stop 'Until Correct Result'

A spokeswoman for former President Donald Trump has vowed that 2020 presidential election fraud claims will continue until Trump achieves "the correct result."

Trump lost the election to President Joe Biden by the relatively unambiguous margin of 7 million national popular votes and 74 votes in the Electoral College. Regardless, the former president has continued to maintain without evidence that the presidency was "stolen" from him more than a year after Biden took office.

Minister: Blood shortage will end in coming days, despite ‘foolish’ Orthodox boycott

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said Tuesday that the recent countrywide blood shortage would likely end in the coming days, adding that “foolish” calls by anti-LGBT religious groups not to donate — over Magen David Adom forms asking donors to identify “parent 1” and “parent 2” — were not the cause of the crisis.

Horowitz said at a Knesset Health Committee session that the “temporary” blood shortage was caused by the Omicron wave of the pandemic, as those infected are barred from donating for several months, adding “it’s not related to any other matter.”

He noted that such shortages are taking place around the world as well, and impacted Israel in previous waves of the pandemic too. “It’s the worst blood shortage in 40 years, according to the World Health Organization,” Horowitz said.

Cure for long COVID? Antihistamines shown to provide huge relief

Prof. Pinto told Newswise that, “Most patients tell us that providers have not recommended anything that has helped. If patients wish to try OTC antihistamines, I urge them to do so under medical supervision. And because providers may not know about new potential treatments, I would encourage patients to be active in their care and consider taking research and case reports like ours to appointments with providers so they can help create a regimen that will work. The next steps for this research into antihistamine treatment are to conduct broad-based trials in order to evaluate efficacy and to develop dosage schedules for clinical practice guidelines.”