Sunday, February 13, 2022

Basketball player converted to Judaism by ‘Biden’s Rabbi’ denied Israeli citizenship

According to Haaretz, which first reported on the denial of Armstrong’s appeal, the Interior Ministry told Armstrong in a letter that they believed he was converting only to play on the team. It also cited the fact that his conversion classes were held via Zoom.

“It makes me crazy. Hasn’t Israel experienced COVID as well? I mean this decision shows so much disconnect,” Rabbi Michael Beals, the Wilmington, Delaware, rabbi who supervised Armstrong’s conversion, told Haaretz.

Beals, who has a longtime relationship with United States President Joe Biden, called the decision by Israel’s government “racist.” Armstrong is Black.

Trump 'Mind-Numbingly Incompetent' at Protecting Classified Info: Ex-Aide

Taylor was asked about the "hypocrisy" of Republicans criticizing Hillary Clinton over her handling of classified emails, but not criticizing Trump, during an interview on MSNBC.

"I have to start with the hypocrisy though, because it's not just hypocrisy. It's that Donald Trump himself was mind-numbingly incompetent when it came to the protection of classified information," he said. "So it's not just that he criticized Clinton and then did something similar. He did something vastly worse on multiple occasions. So much so that we were scared, legitimately scared to take sensitive, classified information into the Oval Office and tell the president of the United States about it."

Faith-and-doubt by Rabbi Lamm

GOP Senate candidate shoots Democrats Biden, Pelosi in Super Bowl ad

A Republican candidate for the Senate released a new campaign ad, which will air during the Super Bowl, depicting him shooting Democratic lawmakers, including President Joe Biden, in a Wild West-themed video.

Republican David Perdue compares Trump Twitter ban to 'Germany in 1933'

"Look at President Trump - if the next president can lose the right to be on Twitter, I mean, where are we, where are the rest of us? This is way out of bounds," Perdue said.

The gubernatorial hopeful claimed the decision was part of a "conspiracy" between Democrats and the US news media, saying "The Democrats in charge... [are] quite happy because it fits into their rhetoric and it also fits into their - I'm going to use the word - their conspiracy with the national media."

Saturday, February 12, 2022

COVID-19: Third of adults over 65 develop medical conditions after infection 

A new peer-reviewed study published in the British Medical Journal examined the risk of delayed medical conditions brought on as a result of COVID-19 infection and determined that almost one in three adults aged 65 or older who became infected during 2020 developed at least one new condition during the months following diagnosis.

Many patients experienced complications involving vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver that required medical attention. Mental health complications were reported as well. Conditions that are the consequence of a previous illness are known as sequelae.

Ron Johnson Complains His Delusional Riot Claims Are Being ‘Silenced’

The cognitive dissonance of the January 6 Capitol riot has been gnawing away at Senator Ron Johnson for weeks. Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican whose enthusiasm for Donald Trump has blossomed to potentially self-destructive dimensions, is obviously not an intelligent man. But somewhere in his mind, he is able to vaguely discern a contradiction between two principles. On the one hand, he equates Trump and all his followers with unquestioning adherence to law and order. (This belief has inspired Johnson to vigorously dismiss years of evidence of Trump’s crimes.) On the other hand, he personally witnessed a violent mob of Trump supporters assault police officers, resulting in more than 100 injuries, many serious, and one death.
Then last week, Johnson returned to the subject. “I knew those were people who love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law, so I wasn’t concerned.” he told a radio host. “Now, had the tables been turned, and Joe — this is going to get me in trouble — had the tables been turned and President Trump won the election and tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa, I might have been a little concerned.”

Johnson errs claiming Senate had no violence Jan.6

Johnson was defending comments comparing the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection to violence connected to the social justice movement.
It's true there was more violence around the House chambers, including a protester who was shot and killed

The rioters didn't reach the Senate chambers until Senators had been evacuated, though one group was near the Senate before being led away by a lone police officer Eugene Goodman.

But Johnson is drawing a largely meaningless distinction since the Capitol protesters got in by attacking police, injuring more than 100 of them, and breaking doors and windows -- unquestionably violent actions.

Fact-checking Sen. Ron Johnson's continued efforts to mislead on Covid-19 and January 6 insurrection

Johnson has also made significant efforts to downplay and rewrite the events of January 6, claiming Sunday that the riot was not an armed insurrection because people had stayed "within the rope lines" in the Capitol.
"We've seen plenty of video of people in the Capitol, and they weren't rioting," Johnson said during a Fox News interview Sunday. "It doesn't look like an armed insurrection when you have people that breach the Capitol --and I don't condone it -- but they're staying within the rope lines in the Rotunda. That's not what armed insurrection would look like."

Republicans' Jan. 6 counterprogramming filled with falsehoods

Republican members of Congress made false or misleading claims at press conferences and in TV appearances on Wednesday, all part of their counterprogramming for the nationally televised House hearing that featured searing, emotional testimony from four police officers who responded to the attack.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

More support for Beth Alexander

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Dear Herr Oskar Deutsch,

I have just watched a beautiful short video of Beth, with her 2 lovely boys and a couple who I assume are her Parents.

June 2014 on a boat,a sunny day, kids are happy and smiling. Beth is smiling and anyone with only half a brain and one good eye, can see straight away what a great Mother she is.

Herr Deutsch I'm going to digress a little. I grew up in Northern Ireland. I know people who suffered terribly during what we called "The Troubles."

Parents that had to bury their children.

Then I made Aliya in 1990.

Have you ever been to an Israeli Military Cemetery? It's a VERY sobering experience. It you see a grave of a young man who is 22 or 23 he is among the "older" ones! There are sadly many graves of 19 and 20 year olds, and even some 18 year olds. It's not a place for the faint of heart, you can not leave such a place and not be moved to tears. I can not imagine the pain a Parent goes through burying a child, I hope I never do. But I have a pretty good idea.

Herr Deutsch I don't know you, I don't know your family history I don't know your background. I'm a very empathic person Herr Deutsch, but I have my doubts about you. Sometimes I feel I need to take a step back and take a deep breath because I can sense that Beth is in great pain and it pains all her family and friends.

I have asked others to get involved and they have politely declined.

I try not to push too hard because you don't always know someone's history, and I understand if they find it too distressing to be involved. Thank Gd her sons are alive and well, ad 120.

But what Beth does need to bury is getting so emotionally drained by this, that she can't do her job or campaign effectively to get her boys back, or even have any decent life at all. All of that must be exhausting too, in order to have that sense of controlling your emotions and prevent yourself from falling apart. That takes tremendous strength and determination.

Have these thoughts ever crossed your mind Herr Deutsch? Austria is not so far away, but for Beth it must seem like her boys are on another planet. They're close, yet so far away from her outstretched arms.

We who support Beth are not going away.

Her group continues to grow and grow. The more it grows the louder we will get, and more and more questions will be asked, until one day Herr Deutsch someone on your side is going to trip up and come clean, and this will open a Pandora's Box which will stain your community for many many years.

Sadly when people hear the name Dunblane they think of the school children massacred there. For 30 plus years when people heard the name Belfast they thought only of The Troubles that I grew up in. If you don't help Beth reverse the absolutely disgusting and despicable punishment against her, Vienna will be known everywhere as the place where Beth Alexander was stitched up!

Carry on the way you are, when I say you I mean EVERYONE involved in Vienna who did this to Beth.
.... because that's where you're heading, like an out of control speedboat towards the rocks.

Do not underestimate our determination.

Support for Beth Alexander


This is the first time EVER that I have got involved in a campaign like this. I usually persuade myself that my contribution is marginal, others will be more influential, it will be resolved without me. But I was so completely shocked and distraught when I heard that Beth is still separated from her dear boys that I felt compelled to act, to do my best. I first heard about Beth's plight 10 years ago while we were in Cambridge and friends with her brother and sister in law. I was devastated for her then. But to think that this situation has been ongoing for a decade is unbearable. I call on whoever can to join the facebook group, show support, show that you care and that this issue will not be dropped. The court of public opinion seems to be the only avenue available at this point.
Dear Mr. Deutsch
I read with surprise and disappointment your letter to Rabbi Mirvis about Beth Alexander and your claimed inability to help a mother be reunited with her children in a meaningful way.
How can a communal leader in the 21st century stand aside and sincerely argue that abuse is an internal family affair? It's very clear in Jewish law that a recalcitrant man can be pressured by the community into giving a get, even with quite physical measures. How is this different? Whether or not it's Beth's ex-husband that needs to physically pick up the phone to initiate a change in custody arrangements, your community is in a unique position to influence his actions and therefore bears responsibility.
Responsibility for Beth's pain and anguish at not being able to nurture and love her sons and have a relationship with them
Responsibility for the gaping hole in the boys' lives that their mother and maternal grandparents and extended family could have had.
Responsibility for colluding with the corruption and injustice clearly meted out by the Austrian legal system in this case
Responsibility for the hillul hashem you bring upon your community with your acquiescence to this man's ongoing punishment of his ex wife and abuse of his children (all the luxuries in the world cannot compensate for a mother's love).
There are moments when leaders have the opportunity to really prove themselves. Perhaps for this moment you were placed in this position.
For the sake of two dear boys, of one mother; for the sake of justice and peace ; for the good name of the Vienna Jewish community, I beg you to intervene and apply appropriate pressure to ensure that Beth and her boys are reunited.
Enough excuses. Time for action

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ambassador Bridge protest: Truckers block vital Canada-US border crossing

Truck drivers are blocking a key border crossing between the US and Canada, sparking fears of economic disruption.

While limited US-bound traffic is being allowed to cross the Ambassador Bridge in Ontario, Canada-bound lanes from Detroit remain closed.

Business associations have called for the bridge to be immediately cleared to ensure the steady flow of goods.

The protests across Canada against vaccine rules and Covid restrictions are now two weeks old.