Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Republicans to Trump: Maybe rethink the whole tariff thing, please?

The whole Republican Party seems to be in wait-and-see mode, its members not wanting to own the tariffs themselves but also not wanting to directly undercut the president. The idea seems to be that Trump can be prevailed upon to back off if the worst does come to pass.


  1. Yes, they are telling him he can't make a gezeira that more than 50% can't keep

  2. The whole Ford Ontario attempt already backfired & he had to backtrack.So much for America needs Canada rather than the converse.
    What's his involvement in this whole thing?He was elected by blue collar Ford nation.
    A:Jewish mega moguls control him-even though they tried to make him disappear a bare decade ago

  3. America and Canada need each other. We are too tightly integrated for this to end well.
    But this is a tariff war and in a war, you expect to take damage. The point is to damage your opponent more That's what you don't get. Trump is prepared to damage the US economy. He expects to but the point is to collapse Mexico and Canada's.

    1. He doesn't seem to have an economic rationale.
      Just thinks it's like a bidding war in a real estate deal

    2. Part of it is personal.
      Trudeau insulted Trump behind his back after making nice to his face and Trump has held it against him ever since.
      Part of it is personal for Americans. Rightly or wrongly, Mexico is seen as a cheap place to work so it steals American jobs.
      And part of it is forcing both countries to come to the table to renegotiate free trade in a much more favourable way for America.


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