Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Death of Dilbert and False Claims of White Victimhood


The poll involved a small sample size and deployed a question loaded with language born from acts of racial trolling. “It’s OK to be white,” has recently appeared on Neo Nazi and alt-right groups’ flyers and websites and in some of their real-world speeches. Some of those polled may have recognized it. Rasmussen doesn’t appear to have asked why respondents agreed(53%), disagreed (26%), or were not sure (21%). Then there’s the fact that Rasmussen has a tendency not only to consistently produce results that vary widely from other polls querying similar things, but to lean consistently to the right and do so most significantly when conservative candidates or ideas are trailing elsewhere. Those are just a few of the issues the political scientist and political-behavior expert Alan Abramowitz warned of in an October 2016 blog post titled “Don’t Trust Rasmussen Polls.”

1 comment:

  1. This is the recurrent arrogance of the Left - do something that upsets people and when they respond, tell them that you don't think they should get upset so just stop it.
    In this case, build a popular culture in which Whites are consistently portrayed as evil (the 1619 project, any major Hollywood movie) and responsible for all the world's problems. Push DIE ideology down the throats of corporations and universities, attacking the identity and self-esteem of innocent people because of the colour of their skin (again, White). Remake movies and stories with White characters, recasting them as non-White while getting very offended if Whites try to take non-White stories and recast them. Then look in disbelief when those Whites get offended and pushed back while responding "Well you're only upset because you've got White fragility! Accept your subservient position and become an ally!"


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