Thursday, March 24, 2016

Problem with Disqus: Comments are not showing on the Blog after moderation

 update: Just received the following information from Disqus which seems to have solved the problem

This is occurring because Blogger recently began using unique, country-specific URLs depending on the geolocation of the user visiting the page.
As Disqus is designed for a different thread to be created on each unique URL, this is causing new, 0 comment threads to be created when the page is accessed from any country where the site will not end in “.com”
To prevent this Blogger change from affecting your site, please follow the instructions here to prevent Blogger from creating new country-specific URLs for the pages of your site:
Have a great day!


I was just informed that no recent comments are being displayed on the Blog. I have approved over 300 comments this week - but they do not appear on the Blog. I just contacted disqus. If the problem doesn't clear up I will drop Disqus and go back to the old system


  1. I see new comments posted on the last few hours. I also have seen need comments posted every day over there last week.

  2. no - the problem apparently started when I asked Disqus to remove the ads they had started to put on my blog. It looks like they removed more than the ads

  3. I see 32 comments on the "they think we're stupid" topic on but here on the blog page it doesn't shows them.

  4. that is the biggest disadvantage of outsourcing. you trust some web services the important part of your website's content such as comments. then someday these services will have some problems or will state their own strange and unacceptable rules, cos they know that they become irreplaceable. and you submit them cos you have no choice.

  5. Does implementing the fix correct it retroactively or just going forward?

  6. It seems to have added the comments from the last two day

  7. The problem turned out to be with Blogger itself - not Disqus

  8. Shalom everyone,
    In recent years in participating on this blog, I have upset a number of people. I have had to think about sone of the reasons why, and I realised there were certain dangerous beliefs and middos I had, which I am now working on. I am therefore doing a teshuva process, and i wish to ask for mechila from anyone whom I may have offended with some of my statements.
    kol tuv

  9. You have mine, although I no doubt insulted you far more than you did me. :)

  10. Politically IncorrectMarch 28, 2016 at 4:22 AM

    Funny thing, kishka, the same question Eddie asked just now, I asked of you a while ago, hoping that I didn't offend you, but perhaps Disqus forgot to post it it or forgot to post your reply:-!, therefore, I again ask you mechillah in case I offended you. ..

  11. I remember your comment, and I remember responding as well, something to the effect of having developed a very thick skin after years of internet comment boards. It was definitely posted.

  12. Politically IncorrectMarch 31, 2016 at 1:59 AM

    Lollll......Truthfully, I am not sure if we have the same comment in mind. While we enjoy the 'privelidge' to take uninhibited sharp bites at each other (as long as they taste good:-), I was perturbed for some time for a one comment I mentioned to you about Lipa Schmelcer, because although I do believe what I commented, in retrospect I felt I was 1) forcing my opinion down your throat and 2)I felt it was in a condescending manner and I am glad that I finally was able to articulate it for which I ask mechillah. ......

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