Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Moti Elon convicted today of sexual assault on minor

YNet   The Jerusalem Magistrates' Court convicted prominent Religious Zionism leader Rabbi Moti Elon of sexually assaulting a minor on Wednesday. He was found guilty of performing indecent acts against a minor.

The Israeli Institute for behavioral Risk Assessment has been asked to give an opinion on the threat posed by Elon ahead of sentencing.


  1. Where is the Daati Leumi / Religious Zionist community expressing its outrage?

    Why are they tolerating sex abuse and sexual abusers?

    1. They are not tolerating it. They formed Takana and it exposed Elon after he refused to stay away from children. They came forward with the allegations.

      Rabbi Ariel has recently said that those still supporting Elon are like followers of Shabetai Zevi after his conversion.

    2. As someone who used to daven in R' Elon's shul in Yerushalayim, this was an extremely traumatic case - he had a magnetic personality, and was very much like a Chassidic rebbe.
      Th DL community is outraged. But also in shock that one of their "best" could be the wolf in sheep's clothing. R' Ariel and R' Lichtenstein are considered as the Gedolim of that community. They have both faced threats of violence for taking this action. That is is the saddest apart - but also it shows they have courage to do what others fear.

    3. The yetza hara for sexual growing like wildfire among those in leadership roles.

      JJ you are clueless what has been happening in the DL world.

  2. I don't understand why so many ppl rush to make judgment about a serious talmid chacham and mashpia ruchani who very likely is going to appeal this. What will be if the Bagatz overturns this? Do any of us really know the case? Why not wait til it's all over...

    One thing I know from reading about the testimonies is that this was certainly not "assault." At most it was about a Rav who tended to go way overboard in the way he showed affection. But there was no force, nor anything without clothes. Just hugs and kisses (probably on the cheek) - which are very problematic but far from an "assault"!!

    1. I agree, yy. All the same is true regarding Mondrowitz who was never convicted. And certainly regarding Weberman, who like Elon, is appealing his conviction.


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